The UAHT Testing Center provides a wide range of test services including ACCUPLACER, proctored exams, online course midterm and/or final exams, GED, NOCTI, and PAX.

Tests are delivered at both our Hope and Texarkana campuses.

Test Administration
Appointment Times:
8:00 AM 5:00 PM Monday through Thursday

8:00 AM 2:00 PM Friday

To schedule a convenient test time, visit:

Please refer to the UAHT Academic Calendar for scheduled holidays and closings. Closings due to inclement weather conditions will be posted on the U of A HopeTexarkana website and broadcasted on area media.

Security Measures
Test companies have very strict measures that UAHTs Testing Center is required to follow. All students must follow UAHT Testing Center Policyfood, drinks, cell phones, electronic devices, calculators, purses, bags, backpacks are not allowed in the UAHT Testing Center or UAHT Texarkana Administration room 111. A designated storage area is made available to each student at the time of testing.

The UAHT Testing Center is under video and electronic surveillance at all times.

Schedule an Exam
ACCUPLACER tests, online course midterms and finals can be scheduled using U of A Hope-Texarkana online registration form:

U of A Hope Testing Center
Student Center Building Rm 105
2500 South Main
Hope, AR 71801

Hope Campus
Steve Ogden
Testing Director
Phone: 870-722-8247

U of A Texarkana
Administration Building Rm 111
3501 U of A Way
Texarkana, AR 71854

Texarkana Campus
Wendy Ousley
Student Services Specialist
Phone: 870-216-2906

ACCUPLACERtests your knowledge in math, reading, and writing. These tests help identify your strengths and needs in each subject area. ACCUPLACER interactive online learning tools (/students/prepare-for-accuplacer) are available to help sharpen your skills. Your academic adviser at UAHT will use your ACCUPLACER test results along with information about your academic background, goals, and interests to help you take courses that match your skill level and give you the best opportunities for success.

Thanks to ACCUPLACERs online format, the test questions are based on your responses to each question youve already answered. Questions increase or decrease in difficulty depending on your answers as you work through the test. ACCUPLACER tests are untimed, so you can move at a comfortable pace. Its important to give yourself enough time to do your best and complete the test because your results are the key factor in determining the courses you can take. Your results will be available immediately after you take the test. Its a good idea to ask your academic adviser about your colleges or schools testing policies and procedures. That way, youre prepared and can plan accordingly.

Students must have a valid photo ID or their UAHT student ID prior to testing. 

ACCUPLACER Test Fee Schedule
*UAHT Student ACCUPLACER Testing Fee:
First attempt: FREE
ACCUPLACERRetake Fee: $10.00

**Non-UAHT Student Testing Fee: $10.00 per sub-test

* UAHT Student is defined as one who has a current admission application on file with the UAHT Registrars Office.

**Non-UAHT Student is defined as one who does not have an application for admission on file in the Registrars Office or is not willing to complete one prior to testing, and/or indicates they are not planning to attend UAHT.

All fees are payable in the Testing Center in advance of receiving service.

The UAHT Testing Center can provide proctored exams for students who have approved accommodations through UAHT Student Support Services Counselor, are taking online courses, or for students who are identified as an Independent Study. UAHT is a pre-approved test site for most institutions in Arkansas and several out-of-state institutions. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the UAHT Testing Center to make arrangements for a specific date and time to be tested. Prior to taking an exam, the student is required to present a photo I.D. to the Proctor. The student is also required to come prepared with the necessary supplies to take the exam. Personal items such as cell phones must be stored in a locker. All students must follow UAHT Testing Center Policy. Please contact the UAHT Testing Center for appointments, questions, or requests.
Students, either UAHT or non-UAHT, requiring test-proctor services at days/hours outside of normal, scheduled Testing Center hours: $25.00 per test.

Students requiring test-proctor services for colleges other than UAHT: $25.00 per test. (This does not apply to online consortium classesUACCB and PCCUA.

All fees are payable in the Testing Center in advance of receiving service.

Students taking online courses that require proctored testing (midterm and/or final exams) need to register at

Online Student Responsibility

  1. It is the students responsibility to know if a Midterm and/or Final is required and needs to be proctored in the Testing Center.
  2. Students must bring valid non-expired photo ID. Acceptable IDs include drivers license, state ID card, passport, school ID, or military ID.
  3. The following items arenotallowed in the testing room and/or lab: cell phones, purses, backpacks, food, drink, and electronic devices. All prohibited items will be locked in a locker before testing can begin.
  4. It is the students responsibility, not the UAHT Testing Center to ensure that Midterm and/or Final exams are open at the date and time registered to test.
  5. It is the students responsibility to bring any login information necessary to take the exam. For example, Blackboard login and password.

The 2014 GED test is a four-subject high school equivalency test that measures skills required by high schools and requested by colleges and employers. The four subjects are Science, Social Studies, Mathematical Reasoning, and Reasoning through Language Arts. After you pass the GED test, your Arkansas High Diploma will be issued and youll receive a GED transcript to apply to college, start training, or get a better job.

The test is part of the 2014 GED program, the only high school equivalency program built to help adults qualify for college, training, or a good job with good wages.

Test Facts:
The first GED test was created in 1942 and is updated every 10-15 years
The 2014 GED test takes a little more than seven hours to complete
The 2014 GED test is administered year-round at more than 1,500 testing centers worldwide
People with a high school credential earn $568,000 more in a lifetime than people without a high school credential

Students can find more information at:

UAHT Adult Education office is located in the Student Success Center in room 107. Please contact 870-722-8501 for further information.

The Student Occupational Competency Achievement Test (SOCAT) is administered by the National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI). UACCH uses NOCTI assessments as a tool to facilitate the construction of curricula and establish academic standards. Since NOCTI assessments are created by occupational experts in the specific fields, they provide national standards on which to base program improvement. Scoring reports from NOCTI provide feedback of great benefit to both UAHT and students. Faculty and administrators are able to determine strengths and weaknesses within the program of instruction by using the scoring reports. Data analysis includes scoring in subparts of the assessment; individual scores positioned within school, state and national statistics; mean scores; and standard deviations. The SOCAT (NOCTI) is administered to students in five technical areas the end of their program of study: Industrial Electricity, Industrial Maintenance, Heating and Air Conditioning, Diesel Technology, and Welding. Please contact the UAHT Testing Center for appointments, requests, or questions.

Students can find more information at:

All applicants must complete the PAX exam prior to determining eligibility to the ARNEC program. Students may test one time only per application period. The deadline for the ARNEC applications process is August 31st each year for the upcoming January cohort. Test fees are the responsibility of the applicant at the time of registering for the PAX Test. Test fees are non-refundable. ARNEC applicants may register for the PAX exam at

Testing Staff

Video chat with Academic Accommodations on Cranium Cafe