The “PAC”
The Purtle Advising Center (PAC) was established in March 2019, under the Title III
Grant “Strengthening UAHT by Improving Retention.” Named after the former space that
was used as collaboration and meeting space for faculty and staff courtesy of Carolyn
and Ned Ray Purtle. The Title III Grant is for five consecutive years and began on
October 1, 2018. Projects to come under the Title III Grant include extending the
PAC Advising Program to the U of A Texarkana Campus and upgrading technology to support
retention and the UAHT Advising Program.
UAHT Mission: To connect students and community partners to quality academic and technical education,
beneficial student support services, customized business and industry training, community
development endeavors, and prevailing educational opportunities through exemplary
and timely educational technologies, effective content delivery methods, and efficient
organizational structures in an environment of integrity and respect that fosters
student success, economic improvement, and civic and cultural enrichment.
UAHT Vision Values: Student-Focused, Diversity, Versatility, and Quality
UAHT Advising Mission Statement: Academic advising at UAHT is a developmental process which considers students’ academic
needs, goals, interests and prior education. Academic advisors promote student success
and increase student enrollment and retention by promoting and recruiting for programs,
referring students at risk or in need of additional resources with the primary objective
to assist with making informed decisions concerning their educational goals.
Academic advising is an interactive process in which the advisor helps the student
set and achieve academic goals, acquire relevant information and services, and make
responsible decisions consistent with interests, goals, abilities, and degree requirements.
The relationship between an advisor and student is a shared responsibility.(NACADA)
Hours & Location
Main Office:
Hope Campus
Student Center Room 200, 2nd floor
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
*With the exceptions of state holidays and approved UAHT summer schedules.
If you need to schedule an advising appointment, have any questions, or need assistance
with connecting with an advisor you can contact the PAC Front Desk at 870-722-8124.
Students can schedule with their assigned advisor by contacting the PAC.
If you have any questions or need assistance with connecting with an advisor you can
contact the PAC Front Desk at 870-722-8124.
Students who want to obtain their associate’s degree at UAHT and then transfer to
another institution for a bachelor’s degree can benefit from these services. Students
can meet with PAC Transfer Advisor, Lili Rogel.
Please go to the PAC Transfer Advising for complete information and tools: UAHT Transfer and Advising Services
- Personalized Transfer Advising
- Scholarship Information
- Assistance with Online Applications with the Transfer Process
- Knowledge of Transfer Credit and Course Equivalencies
- Official Degree Audits
- Connections with Other Campus Offices and Representatives
- Registration/Enrollment into classes
UAHT Transferable Degrees:
- AA General Education – transfer
- AA General Education Health Professions transfer (students who are taking pre-requisites for a health-related program at another institution) options:
- Nursing
- Dental Hygiene
- Radiology/Sonography
- PreMed
- Other health related majors
- AA Human Services Focus
- AA Social Work 2+2
Students with a Health Professions major with the exception of those who have already
been accepted into a Health Professions program can meet with the PAC Health Professions
Advisor, Whitney Rook.
Advising Services:
- Scholarship Information
- Assistance with Online Applications for Health Professions Programs
- Knowledge of Transfer Credit and Course Equivalencies
- Official Degree Audits
- Connections with Other Campus Offices and Representatives
- Registration/Enrollment into classes
UAHT Health Professions Degrees:
- TC Health Professions
- AAS Nursing (Prereqs) to ARNEC Program
- AA General Education BSN-TAMUT
- AA General Education BSN-UAMS
Students who are on probation, suspended, or consider at-risk can meet with the PAC
Personal Intervention Advisor, Whitney Rook.
The UAHT RERAIL Academic Recovery Success Plan is under the supervision of the UAHT Personal Intervention Coach. See UAHT RERAIL program for more information.
Advising Services:
- Provide advising for probation, suspension, or considered at-risk
- RERAIL Program
- Academic Success Plans
- Provide referrals if applicable
- Official Degree Audits
- Connections with Other Campus Offices and Representatives
- Registration/Enrollment into classes
Students with a major that leads directly to a career except for those majoring in
health professions can meet with the PAC Career Advisor, Emmanuel Dixon.
Advising Services:
- Career Advising such as building a resume, applying for jobs, career interest assessments,
- Job fairs
- Knowledge of transfer credit and course equivalencies
- Scholarships
- Official degree audits
- Connections with businesses, other campus offices and representatives
- Registration/enrollment into classes
UAHT majors include but are not limited to:
- AAS Business Administration-General Business
- TC General Business
- CP General Business
- AS Business Studies- 2+2 TAMUT
- AS Business (Transfer to participating AR public universities)
- AAS Crime Scene Investigation
- TC Crime Scene Investigation
- CP Crime Scene Investigation
- AA Criminal Justice Focus
- AAS Computer & Information Science
- TC Computer & Information Science
- CP Coding
- AAS Diesel Technology
- TC Diesel Technology
- TC Advanced Technology
- CP Diesel Technology – Engine Systems
- CP Diesel Technology – Electrical Systems
- CP Diesel Technology – Chassis Systems
- CP Diesel Technology – Brakes/Power Train Systems
- AAS Early Childhood Education
- TC Early Childhood Education
- CP Child Development Associate (CDA)
- AS Education Elementary Education 2+2 SAU
- AA Teaching (Transfer to participating AR public universities)
- AA Teaching Middle School Education/Secondary 2+2 SAU
- AAS General Technology
- TC Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC)
- CP Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC)
- TC Industrial Electricity
- CP Industrial Electricity
- TC Industrial Maintenance – Machining or Multi-Craft
- CP Industrial Maint. Technology
- TC Welding Technology
- CP Welding Technology – Basic Welding
- CP Welding Technology – Construction Welding
- CP Bladesmithing
- AAS Law Enforcement Administration
- TC Law Enforcement Administration
- CP Law Enforcement Administration
- AAS Power Generation Technology
- TC Power Generation Technology
- CP Power Plant Technology
- Create an environment in which students feel safe exploring their goals and ideas
- Help students explore areas of study that correspond to their professional and educational
goals and prepare an academic map
- Listen to students’ questions and concerns and refer them appropriately for any help
he or she is not equipped to provide (i.e. counseling, career pathways, etc.)
- Provide accurate and up-to-date information
- Teach students how to use campus technology including Workday
- Communicate with students regularly via their UAHT-issued email account
- Equip students to feel confident in making their own academic decisions by arming
them with knowledge
- Respect students’ right to privacy regarding both academic and personal matters
- Explore majors and careers, taking into account their interests, abilities, and values
- Prepare in advance for advising appointments, coming up with a list of any pertinent
questions, classes of interest, academic goals, etc.
- Read and understand the policies detailed in the UAHT Student Handbook and utilize campus
resources as needed
- Utilize campus technology to map out their academic path, track their goals, and plan
each semester
- Be familiar with the Academic Calendar, and be aware of upcoming deadlines
- Check their Microsoft Applications regularly to ensure they receive up-to-date information
in a timely fashion
- Accept personal responsibility for their own decisions and actions
- Prepare for graduation and/or transfer
- Be aware of the rights provided to them under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy
Probation and Suspension
Students must maintain satisfactory grade levels throughout various stages of their
academic progress. Failure to maintain satisfactory grades leads to probation or
suspension. Students must have a cumulative grade point average of not less than
1.75 on 22 semester hours attempted or less. A student must have a cumulative grade
point average of not less than 2.00 on 23 semester hours attempted or more. A cumulative grade point average of 2.00 is required for graduation.
Failure to maintain minimum grade requirements results in students being placed on
academic probation. Students on academic probation may enroll in succeeding semesters
if they achieve the required minimum grade point average even if their cumulative
grade point average is below the minimum level. Students who achieve the required
cumulative grade point average are removed from academic probation.
Students on academic probation who fail to achieve the required minimum grade point
average are placed on suspension. Students on academic suspension are not permitted
to enroll in the next regular semester following the suspension. Students may enroll
in summer sessions to improve their grade point average. In some cases, students can
appeal. More information can be found below.
UAHT Steps to Appeal Academic Suspension
Academic Recovery Success Plan
The UAHT Academic Recovery Success Plan (RERAIL Program) assists students on academic
probation or suspension. The RERAIL program is arranged under a multi-tier model.
Students are assigned a RERAIL Coach that assists students in making decisions regarding their academic progress. The RERAIL
coaches are there to get students back on “track”.
Faculty and Staff: Please use this form if you feel a student is at-risk academically
and would benefit from RERAIL program and/or needs to be contacted by someone on the
RERAIL team.
Students: Please use this form if you would like someone from the RERAIL team to contact
you about raising your grades, Probation/Suspension, or you feel like you are at-risk
For more information contact the RERAIL team at 870-722-8118 or
PAC Job Board
Looking for a job? Take a look at the PAC Job Board! The PAC Job Board is designed
based on UAHT Degrees and general job postings that have been submitted.
Click on this link to view:
Not sure about what kind of job you would be great at? Take an online assessment at
Are you an employer wanting to submit an open job position? Please complete our online Job Posting Submission Form.
Career Advising
Students with a major that leads directly to a career (technical, industrial, business,
early childhood) can meet with the PAC Career Advising Coach, Emmanuel Dixon.
- Career Advising such as building a resume, applying for jobs, career interest assessments,
- Job fairs
- Knowledge of transfer credit and course equivalencies
- Scholarships
- Official degree audits
- Connections with businesses, other campus offices, and representatives
- Registration/enrollment into classes
Emmanuel Dixon, PAC Career Advisor