Egyptian Culture
CC before the Call Number means that the book is a part of our Children’s Collection. Children’s books often have wonderful photographs and illustrations.
Many more eBooks that are related to Egyptian culture are available through the Library’s databases.
Ancient Alexandria between Egypt and Greece edited by W.V. Harris and Giovanni Ruffini. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2004.
Ancient Egypt: everyday life in the land of the Nile by Bob Brier. Call no: DT61.B6845 2009
Ancient Egypt in Africa edited by David O’Connor and Andrew Reid. London : UCL, c2003.
Ancient Egyptian religion by Stephen Quirke. Call no: BL2441.2.Q57 1997
At empire’s edge exploring Rome’s Egyptian frontier by Robert B.Jackson. New Haven : Yale University Press, c2002.
The beautiful burial in Roman Egypt art, identity, and funerary religion Riggs, Christina. Oxford ; New York : Oxford
University Press, 2005.
The Cambridge illustrated history of surgery by Harold Ellis Call no: RD19.E43 2009
Causing his name to live studies in Egyptian epigraphy and history in memory of William
J. Murnane edited by Peter J.
Brand and Louise Cooper. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2009.
Cleopatra : the last pharaoh by Prudence J. Jones. Call no: DT92.7.J67 2006
Connected in Cairo growing up cosmopolitan in the modern Middle East by Mark Allen Peterson. Bloomington : Indiana
University Press, c2011.
Consuming ancient Egypt by Sally MacDonald. Walnut Creek : Left Coast Press, Inc., 2010.
Cultural conversions : unexpected consequences of Christian missionary encounters
in the Middle East, Africa, and South
Asia edited by Heather J. Sharkey. Syracuse, New York : Syracuse University Press, 2013.
The debate between a man and his soul a masterpiece of ancient Egyptian literature by James P. Allen. Leiden; Boston:
Brill, 2011.
Democracy in contemporary Egyptian political discourse by Michele Durocher Dunne. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John
Benjamins, c2003.
Description of Egypt notes and views in Egypt and Nubia, made during the years 1825,
-26, -27, and -28 … by Lane,
Edward William. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, c2000.
The dispersion of Egyptian Jewry culture, politics, and the formation of a modern
diaspora by Joel Beinin. Berkeley:
University of California Press, ©1998.
Egypt an economic geography by Fouad N. Ibrahim. London ; New York : I.B. Tauris, 2003.
Egypt, Canaan and Israel history, imperialism, ideology and literature : proceedings
of a conference at the University of
Haifa, 3-7 May 2009 edited by S. Bar, D. Kahn and JJ Shirley. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2011.
Egypt, Islam, and the Arabs the search for Egyptian nationhood, 1900-1930 by I. Gershoni. New York : Oxford University
Press, 1986, c1987.
Egypt as a woman: nationalism, gender, and politics by Beth Baron. Berkeley : University of California Press, c2005.
Egypt, the stalled society by Hamied Ansari. Albany: State University of New York Press, ©1986.
Egypt on the Pentateuch’s ideological map constructing biblical Israel’s identity by F. V. Greifenhagen. Sheffield;
New York: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002.
Egypt temple of the whole world : studies in honor of Jan Assmann = Ägypten : Tempel
der gesammten Welt edited by
Sibylle Meyer. Suffering; Boston: Brill, 2003.
Egypt, trunk of the tree. Volume 1, The contexts by Simson R. Najovits. New York : Algora Pub., ©2004.
Egypt under the khedives, 1805-1879 from household government to modern bureaucracy by F. Robert Hunter. Cairo,
Egypt : American University in Cairo Press, 1999.
Egyptian hieroglyphs by W. V. Davies. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987. Call no: PJ1097
.D4 1987
Egyptian mythology by Veronica Ions. London, Hamlyn, 1968 Call no: BL2441.2 .I55 1968
The Encyclopedia of ancient civilizations of the Near East and Mediterranean edited by John Haywood.
Call no: REF DS57.E47 1997
Encyclopedia of invasions and conquests from ancient times to the present by Paul K. Davis.
Call no: REF D25.A2 D38 2006
Eternal Egypt: masterworks of ancient art from the British Museum by T. G. H. James. Berkeley, CA: University of
California Press, 2001. Call no: N5350.E87 2001
Everyday life in ancient Egypt by Jon Ewbank Manchip White. Call no: DT61 .W48 2002
Gender, behavior, and health schistosomiasis transmission and control in rural Egypt by Samiha El-Katsha. Cairo;
New York: American University in Cairo Press, c2002.
God in the courtroom the transformation of courtroom oath and perjury between Islamic
and Franco-Egyptian law by Guy
Bechor. Leiden: BRILL, 2011.
Gods, graves, and scholars: the story of archaeology by C. W. Ceram. Call no: CC100.C4213 1986
Handbook of Egyptian mythology by Geraldine Pinch. Call no: REF BL2441.3.P56 2002
Hellenizing art in ancient Nubia, 300 BC-AD 250, and its Egyptian models a study in
“acculturation” by László Török.
Leiden; Boston : Brill, 2011.
History of the ancient & medieval world edited by Henk Dijkstra. Call no: REF D117.H57 1996
Humanism, culture, and language in the Near East studies in honor of Georg Krotkoff edited by Asma Afsaruddin and
A.H. Mathias Zahniser. Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 1997.
In the second degree paratextual literature in ancient Near Eastern and ancient Mediterranean
culture and its reflections
in medieval literature edited by Philip S. Alexander, Armin Lange and Renate J. Pillinger. Leiden; Boston:
Brill, 2010.
Joseph and his brothers by Thomas Mann. Call no: PT2625.A44 J71 1956
King Tut by Susan Sales Harkins. Call no: CC DT87.5.H375 2009
Life of the ancient Egyptians by Evžen Strouhal. Call no: DT64.S92513 1992
Marginality and exclusion in Egypt edited by Ray Bush & Habib Ayeb. London ; New York : Zed Books, c2012.
Mathematics in the time of the pharaohs by Richard J. Gillings. New York: Dover, 1982, 1972. Call no: QA27.E3 G52 1982
Media worlds anthropology on new terrain edited by Faye D. Ginsburg, Lila Abu-Lughod, and Brian Larkin. Berkeley:
University of California Press, c2002.
The mummy: funereal rites & customs in ancient Egypt by E. A. Wallis Budge. London: Senate, 1995.
Call no: DT61.B916 1995
Oedipus and Akhnaton: Myth and History by Immanuel Velikovsky. Call no: DT87.4.V4
Order out of chaos patronage, conflict and Mamluk socio-political culture, 1341-1382 by J. van Steenbergen. Leiden;
Boston: Brill, 2006.
The Oxford history of ancient Egypt edited by Ian Shaw. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2003.
A place in the sun: Africa in Italian colonial culture from post-unification to the
present edited by Patrizia Palumbo.
Berkeley : University of California Press, c2003.
Poems in context Greek poetry in the Egyptian Thebaid 200-600 AD by Laura Miguelez Cavero. Berlin ; New York : Walter
de Gruyter , 2008 .
The price of monotheism by Jan Assmann. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, c2010.
The quick and the dead biomedical theory in ancient Egypt by Andrew H. Gordon. Leiden ; Boston : Brill : Styx, 2004.
Ramses II and Egypt by Olivier Tiano. Call no: DT88.T513 1996
Ramesses the Great by Rita E. Freed. Call no: DT59.M45 F76 1987
Reengaging Egypt options for US-Egypt economic relations by Barbara Kotschwar. Washington, DC : Peterson Institute for
International Economics, 2010.
Seeing double intercultural poetics in Ptolemaic Alexandria by Susan A. Stephens. Berkeley : University of California Press,
Splendors of ancient Egypt London: Booth-Clibborn Editions, 1996 by William H. Peck. Call no: DT61 .P43 1996
The Stele of YHWH in Egypt the Prophecies of Isaiah 18-20 concerning Egypt and Kush by Csaba Balogh. Leiden:
BRILL, 2011.
Treasures of Tutankhamun by Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen. Call no: DT87.5.T7 1976
Tutankhamen: Amenism, Atenism, and Egyptian monotheism: with hieroglyphic texts of
hymns to Amen and Aten by
E. A. Wallis Budge. New York: Dover Publications, 1991. Call no:
DT87.5 .B8 1991
Tutankhamen; life and death of a pharaoh by Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt. Call no: DT87.5.D4 1976
Tutankhamun : the last journey by William MacQuitty. Call no: DT87.5.M2 1978
Tut’s mummy : lost– and found by Judy Donnelly. Call no: CC DT87.5.D66 2003
The ultimate encyclopedia of mythology: an A-Z guide to the myths and legends of the
ancient world by Arthur Cotterell.
Call no: REF BL303.C67 2004
Valley of the Kings by Stuart Tyson Smith. Call no: CC DT87.5.H375 2009
The way to eternity: Egyptian myth by Fergus Fleming. Amsterdam: Time-Life Books, 1997 Call no: BL2441.2 .F583 1997
Youth and youth culture in the contemporary Middle East edited by Jørgen Bæk Simonsen.