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Books, eBooks & DVDs
More boks, eBooks & DVDs related to France are available in the Library and through its databases.The Blitzkrieg campaigns: Germanys lightning war strategy in action by John Delaney. London: Arms and Armour;
New York, NY: Distributed in the USA by Sterling Pub. Co., 1996. Call no: D755 .D46
A brief history of France by Cecil Jenkins. Philadelphia : Running Press, 2011. Call #: DC39 .J37 2011
The Cambridge illustrated history of France by Colin Jones. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1994.
Call #: DC33 .J66 1999
Carlo Maria Giulini. an Ideale Audience International & IMG Artists production ; released with the participation
of BBC,
INA, CNC. Call #: M1000 .C37 2003
Catherine de Medici: Renaissance queen of France by Leonie Frieda. New York : Harper Perennial, 2006.
Call #: DC119.8 .F74 2006
Charlemagne by Derek A. Wilson. New York : Doubleday, c2006. Call #: DC73 .W48 2006
The crown rose by Fiona Avery. Amherst, NY : Pyr, 2005. Call #: PS3601.V467 C76 2005
D-Day, June 6, 1944: the climactic battle of World War II by Stephen E. Ambrose. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994.
Call no: D756.5.N6 A455 1994
Death of a Nazi army:the Falaise pocket by William B. Breuer, New York: Stein and Day, 1985.
Call no: D756.5.F34 B73 1985
Decision in Normandy by Carlo DEste. New York, NY: HarperPerennial, 1991. Call no: D756.5.N6 D47 1991
France and European integration towards a transnational polity? by Michel R. Gueldry. Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2001.
Extreme engineering Millau Viaduct. produced by Powderhouse Productions for Discovery Channel; produced and
directed by Chris Schmidt. Call #: TG72.M5 E9 2003
France and Germany at Maastricht politics and negotiations to create the European
Union by Colette Mazzucelli.
New York: Garland Publ., 1997.
France and the Americas: culture, politics, and history: a multidisciplinary encyclopedia
edited by Bill Marshall, assisted
by Cristina Johnston. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2005.
France and the Aprs Guerre, 1918-1924 illusions and disillusionment by Benjamin F. Martin. Baton Rouge: Louisiana
State University Press, c1999.
France and the cult of the Sacred Heart an epic tale for modern times by Raymond Anthony Jonas. Berkeley: University of
California Press, c2000.
France and the Maghreb performative encounters by Mireille Rosello. Gainesville : University Press of Florida, c2005.
France and the Mediterranean international relations, culture and politics edited by Emmanuel Godin and Natalya Vince.
Bern ; New York : Peter Lang, c2012.
France and the new imperialism security policy in Sub-Saharan Africa by Bruno Charbonneau. Aldershot, England;
Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2008.
France and the Spanish Civil War cultural representations of the war next door, 1936-1945
by Martin Hurcombe.
Burlington, Vt : Ashgate, 2011.
France and women 1789-1914 gender, society and politics by James F. McMillan. London ; New York : Routledge, 2002.
Between France and New France life aboard the tall sailing ships by Gilles Proulx. Toronto [Ont.] : Dundurn Press, 1984.
France at the Crystal Palace bourgeois taste and artisan manufacture in the nineteenth
century by Whitney Walton.
Berkeley : University of California Press, c1992.
France be fluent in French life and culture, editor in chief, Andrew Whittaker.London : Thorogood, c2008.
France between the wars: gender and politics by Sian Reynolds. London ; New York : Routledge, 1996.
France in an age of globalization by Hubert Vdrine. Washington, D.C. : Brookings Institution Press, c2001.
France on display peasants, provincials, and folklore in the 1937 Paris Worlds Fair
by Shanny Peer. Albany: State
University of New York Press, 1998.
France political and social change by J. L. S. Girling. London; New York: Routledge, 1998.
France restored Cold War diplomacy and the quest for leadership in Europe, 1944-1954 by William I. Hitchcock. Chapel
Hill : University of North Carolina Press, 1998.
France since 1945 by Robert Gildea. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2002.
France under recession, 1981-1986 by John N. Tuppen. Albany : State University of New York Press, c1988.
Press, 1995. Call no: DC111.3 .H65 1995
The Franco-Prussian War: the German invasion of France, 1870-1871 by Michael Eliot Howard. London; New York:
Methuen, 1981. Call #: DC289 .H84 1994
The French wars of religion, 1562-1629 by Mack P. Holt. Cambridge [England]; New York, N.Y.: Cambridge University
Press, 1995. Call #: DC111.3 .H65 1995
GoldenEye. Metro Goldwyn Mayer ; Albert R. Brococcoli presents ; United Artists Pictures Inc.
; story by Michael France.
Call #: PN1997.J3 G653 2012
His time in hell: a Texas marine in France: the World War I memoir of Warren R. Jackson
by Warren R. Jackson. Novato, CA:
Presidio, c2001. Call #: D570.9 .W26 2001
Hitlers secret headquarters: the fuhrers wartime bases, from the invasion of France
to the Berlin bunker by Franz
Wilhelm Seidler. London: Military Book Club, 2004. Call #: DD247.H5 S45 2004
The hollow crown: Richard II, Henry IV part 1, Henry IV part 2, Henry V. The complete series. By William Shakespeare;
producer, Rupert Ryle-Hodges; executive producers, Gareth Neame, David Horn. Call
#: PR2762 .H655 2013
The Hundred Years War: the English in France, 1337-1453 by Desmond Seward. New York: Penguin, 1999, c1978.
Call #: DC96 .S48 1999
The impressionists by Steven Adams. Philadelphia, PA: Running Press, 1990. Call no: ND547.5.I4 A278
Impressionists seasons by Russell Ash. San Francisco, CA: Collins, 1995. Call no: ND547.5.I4 I52 1995
In the shadows of war: an American pilots odyssey through occupied France and the
camps of Nazi Germany by Thomas
Childers. by New York: H. Holt, 2003. Call no: D802.F8C476 2003
Inglourious Basterds. The Weinstein Company and Universal Pictures present ; A Band Apart, Zehnte Babelsberg
GmbH production ; written and directed by Quentin Tarantin. Call #: PN1995.9.W3 I5456
The invention of Hugo Cabret: a novel in words and pictures by Brian Selznick. New York : Scholastic Press, 2007.
Call #: PZ7.S4654 Inv 2007
Journeys of a lifetime embark on the global odyssey of your dreams. Call #: G151.J68 2004
Julie & Julia. Columbia Pictures presents an Easy There Tiger/Amy Robinson production ; a Laurence
Mark production ; a
film by Nora Ephron ; Call #: PN1997.2 .J854 2009
The knight of Maison-Rouge: a novel of Marie Antoinette by Alexandre Dumas. New York : Modern Library, 2004.
Call #: PQ2225 .C713 2004
La vie en rose. Legende ; Canal+ ; Sofica Valor 7 ; TPS Star in co-production with TF1 International,
TF1 Films
Productions, Songbird Pictures, Okko Productions. Call #: PN1995.9.B55 V54 2007
Les misrables. Camack International ; directed by Tom Hooper ; produced by Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner,
Debra Hayward,
Cameron Mackintosh. Call #: PN1997.2 .M56 2013
Les misrables. Columbia Pictures ; Mandalay Entertainment ; produced by Sarah Radcliffe and James
Gorman ; directed
by Bille August. Call #: PN1997.L567 L567 1998
The longest day (Le jour le plus long). Twentieth Century Fox presents a CinemaScope Picture ; screenplay by Cornelius
Ryan ; British exterior episodes directed by Ken Annakin; Call #: PN1997.L66 2006
Little Bo in France: the further adventures of Bonnie Boadicea by Julie Edwards. New York : Hyperion Books For Children,
c2002. Call #: PZ7.E2562 Li 2001Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert. New York : Random House, 1957. Call #: PQ2246.M2 E5
Madame Bovary: a story of provincial life by Gustave Flaubert. New York : Hart Pub. Co, c1977. Call #: PQ2246.M2 1978
Madame Butterfly. Martin Scorsese presents a Sony Classical film; Daniel Toscan du Plantier, Pierre-Olivier
Call #: M1500.P84 M33 2002
Napoleon Bonaparte the glory of France.. Produced by Greystone Communications, Inc. for A & E Networks; produced
by Greg Goldman; series producer, Melanie Blythe. Call #: DC203 .N372 2002
The Normans: the complete epic saga. Call #: D148 .N67 2008
Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown France & Italy. Produced by Pineridge Film & Television for the Travel Channel;
producer, Sylvia Caminer; director, Sid Goldberg; writer, Samanth Brown. Call #: DC29.3
.P37 2007
Ratatouille. Walt Disney Pictures presents a Pixar Animation Studios film; produced by Brad Lewis;
story by Jan Pinkava,
Jim Capobianco, Brad Bird; Call #: PN1995.9.C55 R38 2007
Red storm on the Reich: the Soviet march on Germany, 1945 by Christopher Duffy. New York: Atheneum: Maxwell
Macmillan International, 1991. Call no: D764 .D797 1991
The road from Versailles: Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, and the fall of the French
monarchy by Munro Price. New York :
St. Martins Press, 2003. Call #: DC137 .P75 2003
S21 the Khmer Rouge killing machine. INA and ARTE France present un film de Rithy Panh ; producteur, Cati Couteau.
Call #: DS554.842 .S79 2003
Sarahs key by Tatiana Rosnay. New York : St. Martins Press, 2007. Call #: PR9105.9.R66 S27 2007
Saving Private Ryan. DreamWorks Pictures; Paramount Pictures; Amblin Entertainment; produced by Steven
Call #: PN1997.A385 S385 1999The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emmuska Orczy.New York : Bantam Books, [1992] Call #: PR6029.R25 S28
Scenic cruises of the world Searching unique places and peoples. Call #: G153.4.S24 2004
The secret life of Josephine: Napoleons bird of paradise by Carolly Erickson. New York : St. Martins Press, 2007.
Call #: PS3605.R53 S43 2007
Sniping in France: with notes on the scientific training of scouts, observers, and
snipers by H. Hesketh-Prichard ; with a
foreword by General Lord Horne of Stirkoke ; illustrations by Ernest Blaikley. London
: L. Cooper, 1994.
Call #: D546 .P7 1993
Somme by Lyn Macdonald. New York: Atheneum, 1989, 1983. Call no: D545.S7M25 1989
The splendid century: life in the France of Louis XIV by W. H. Lewis. Prospect Heights, Ill : Waveland Press, 1997, c1953.
Call #: DC128 .L4 1997
Taken. Twentieth Century Fox presents a Europacorp, M6 Films and Grive Productions co-production
with the
participation of Canal+, M6 and TPS Star. Call #: PN1997.2 .T35 2009
The sun also rises. Twentieth Century Fox presents a Cinema Scope picture; in Darryl F. Zanucks production;
by Darryl F. Zanuck; screenplay by Peter Viertel. Call #: PN1995.9.A3 E76478 2007
The three musketeers by Alexandre Dumas. New York : W. Morrow, [1998]. Call #: PQ2228 .A433
To the scaffold: the life of Marie Antoinette by Carolly Erickson. New York : St. Martins Griffin, [2004?].
Call #: DC137.1 .E77 2004
Under my skin. presented by Twentieth Century Fox ; directed by Jean Negulesco ; produced by Casey
screenplay by Casey Robinson. Call #: PN1995.9.A3 E76478 2007
The world at war. Thames Television Ltd.; Fremantle Media; The History Channel; directed by Sir Jeremy
Call #: D743.23 .W64 2004
World War I the Great War. Call #: D521 .W67 2008