Germany Sites
French Revolution/Napoleonic era 10 Famous German Kings and Monarchs |
Learn German with Polly Lingual |
World War II Sites
Aftermath of World War II 1 2
Battle of Stalingrad German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact Guide to World War II Online Primary Sources Guide to World War II Materials |
National WWII Museum of New Orleans: The Second World War in 100 objects Special Topics by EdTechTeacher Wannsee Conference and the Final Solution Tripartite Pact World War II National Archives World War II: Facts, information and articles |
High-Ranking Nazis
Adolf Hitler1234 | Ernst Kaltenbrunner |
Nazi Doctors & Medical Experiments:
Nazi Medical Experiments
Auschwitz-Birkenau: Nazi Medical Experimentation |
Dr. Aribert Heim 123 |
Holocaust Sites
Camps Auschwitz123 Bergen-BelsenBuchenwald DachauMauthausen RavensbruckSachsenhausen Extermination Camps12 Final Solution: OverviewIn-Depth The Holocaust: Facts, Victims & Survivors History.comHolocaust memorials and museums in the USA Introduction to the Holocaust |
Jewish Stars & Other Holocaust Badges12
Types of camps: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Victims |
Germany Books, eBooks & DVDs eBooks can be found in EBSCOs eBook Academic Collection or eBook Collection. More articles, books, eBooks & DVDs related to Germany are available in the Library and through its databases.
1939, total war A co-production of WGBH Boston and British Broadcasting Corporation; produced and
directed by John Bridcut. Call #: D811.A2 T68 2006
The aftermath: a novel by Rhidian Brook. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2013. Call #: PR6052.R45 A64 2013
Amen. Claude Berri presents; a coproduction Katharina/Renn Productions, TF1 Films Production.
Call #: PN1995.9.H53 A48 2003
Anne-Sophie Mutter a life with Beethoven; Spring sonata; Kreutzer sonata produced by RM Associates in assocaition with Bayerischer Rundfunk [et al.]; [film] written and directed by E.
Moritz. Call #: ML418.M917 A6 2000x
Around the world in 80 treasures a quest for mankinds greatest achievements.
A BBC TV production in association with BBC Worldwide; written and presented by Dan
Cruickshank. Call #: GN357 .A76 2008
Auschwitz: an eyewitness account of Mengeles infamous death camp. by Mikls Nyiszli. New York: Fawcett Crest Books:1960. Call no: D805.P7 N95
Auschwitz inside the Nazi state. A KCET/BBC co-production; written and produced by Laurence Rees. Call #: D805.5.A96 A973 2005
Berlin dance of death by Helmut Altner. translated, annotated and illustrated by Tony Le Tissier. Havertown,
PA: CASEMATE, 2002. Call no: D811.5 b .A5613 2002
Blood red snow: the memoirs of a German soldier on the Eastern Front by Gnter K. Koschorrek. London: Greenhill Books; Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2002. Call #: D811 .K61413 2002
The boy in the striped pajamas Miramax Films presents; in association with BBC Films; a Heyday Films production a by Mark Herman; co- producer, Rosie Aliso. Call #: PN1997.2 .B69 2009
Broken silence Steven Spielberg and Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation present Cinemax
Reel Life; producer, James Moll.Call #: D804.3 .B76 2004x
The Brothers Grimms Grimms fairy tales adapted by Karen Kelly illustrated by C.B. Canga. Edina, Minn.: Magic Wagon, c2011. Call #: PZ8.K368 Gr 2011 Karen Kelly.
Buddenbrooks Call #: PN1997 .B833 2009
Citizen soldiers: the U.S. Army from the Normandy beaches to the Bulge to the surrender
of Germany, June 7, 1944-May 7, 1945 by Stephen E. Ambrose. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, c1997. Call #: D756 .A52 1997
City of shadows by Ariana Franklin. New York: William Morrow, c2006. Call #: PR6064.O73 H685 2006
The debt. Focus Features and Miramax present a Marv Films production; screenplay by Matthew
Vaughn & Jane Goldman and Peter Straughan. Call #: PN1997 .D43493 2011
Defiance. Paramount Vantage presents a Grosvenor Park/Bedford Falls production, an Edward Zwick
film; produced by Edward Zwick et al. Call #: PN1997.2 .D44 2009
Denial. Bleecker Street presents; in association with Participant Media and BBC Films; a
Krasnoff/Foster Entertainment production. Call #: PN1997.2.D46637 2017
The devils arithmetic. Showtime presents; a Punch 21 and Millbrook Farm production; produced by Murray Schisgal, Lee; screenplay by Robert J. Avrech. Call #: PN1992.8.F5 D48 2002
Dresden, Tuesday, February 13, 1945 by Fred Taylor. New York: HarperCollins, c2004.
Call #: D757.9.D7 T39 2004
East German distinctiveness in a unified Germany edited by Jonathan Grix and Paul Cooke. Birmingham:University of Birmingham Press, c2002.
Every man dies alone by Hans Fallada. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Melville House, [2010], c2009.
Call #: PT2607.I6 J413 2010
The fall of the Berlin Wall edited by Jeff T. Hay. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, c2010.Call #: DD881 .F33 2010
Fighting the invasion: the Germany Army at D-Day by Guenther Blumentritt et al; edited by David C. Isby . London: Greenhill Books Mechanicsburg, PA Stackpole Books, 2000. Call #: D756.5.N6
F525 2000
The First World War the complete series. A Wark Clements, Hamilton Films production in association with South Star and Channel 4; producers, Marcus Kiggell et al. Call #: D521 .F57 2005
The forgotten soldier. by Guy Sajer. Translated from the French by Lily Emmet. Washington: Brasseys (US),
Inc., 1990. Call no: D764 .S234513 1990
Fortress without a roof: the Allied bombing of the Third Reich. by Wilbur H. Morrison. New York, N.Y.: St. Martins Press, 1982. Call no: D785 .M67 1982
Fury. Columbia Pictures presents in association with QED International and LStar Capital;
produced by Bill Block, David, Ethan Smith. Call #: PN1997.2.F879 2015
Germany, 1945-1949 a sourcebook by Manfred Malzahn. London; New York: Routledge, 1991.
Germany a short history by Donald S. Detwiler. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1999.
Germany and the European East in the twentieth century edited by Eduard Mhle. Oxford; New York: Berg, 2003.
Germany and the Second World War. Vol. 5, Organization and mobilization of the German
sphere of power. Part 1, Wartime administration, economy, and manpower resources 1939-1941.
by edited by the Militrgeschichtliches Forschungsamt (Research Institute for Military History). Oxford:
Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Germany and the Second World War. Vol. 9/1, German wartime society 1939-1945 politicization,
disintegration, and the struggle for survival by Ralf Blank et al; translated by Derry Cook-Radmore et al; translation editor, Derry Cook-Radmore. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press,
Germany as model and monster allusions in English fiction, 1830s-1930s by Gisela Argyle. Montreal, Que.: McGill-Queens University Press, c2002.
Germany, Hitler, and World War II: essays in modern German and world history by Gerhard L. Weinberg. Cambridge [England]; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Call #: D757 .W384
Germany in Central America competitive imperialism, 1821-1929 by Thomas David Schoonover. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press, 1998.
Germany in transit nation and migration, 1955-2005 edited by Deniz Gktrk, David Gramling, Anton Kaes. Berkeley: University of California Press, c2007.
Germany, pacifism and peace enforcement by Anja Dalgaard-Nielsen. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2006.
The Gestapo: a history of Hitlers police 1933-45 by Rupert Butler. Havertown, PA: Casemate, c2004. Call #: DD256.5 .B95 2004
Gotterdammerung 1945: Germanys last stand in the east. by Russ Schneider. Philomont, VA: Eastern &Front/Warfield Books, 1998. Call no: D764 .S328 1998
The hangmans daughter: a historical novel by Oliver Ptzsch. Las Vegas, NV: AmazonCrossing, 2010.
Harts war. MGM Pictures presents a David Ladd Films, David Foster Productions, Cheyenne Enterprises production. Call #: PN1997 .H38 2002
Herman Wouks War and remembrance. Parts I-VII of a 12-part series. ABC Circle Films presents a Dan Curtis production; producer Barbara Steele; screenplay by Earl W. Wallace, Dan Curtis, Herman
Wouk. Call #: PN1997 .W3354 2004
Herman Wouks the winds of war. presented by Paramount Pictures; teleplay by Herman Wouk from his novel; produced and directed by Dan Curtis; Call #: PN1997.W763 C978 2004
Heroes of the Holocaust tales of resistance and survival. Call #: D804.65 .H47 2008
The History Channel ultimate collections World War II A&E Television Networks. Call #: D743 .H57 2006
A History of Eastern Europe by Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius. Series: Great courses. History. Modern history. Call #: DJK24.L58 2015
Hitler and his generals: military conferences 1942-1945:the first complete stenographic
record of the military situation conferences, from Stalingrad to Berlin by Adolf Hitler, Helmut Heiber, David M. Glantz. English edition introduction by Gerhard L. Weinberg; original edition preface and notes by
Helmut Heiber; editorial advisor, David M. Glantz; [translated by Roland Winter, Krista Smith, and
Mary BethFriedrich]. New York: Enigma Books, 2003. Call no: D757 b .H5813 2003
Hitlers Arctic War: the German campaigns in Norway, Finland, and the USSR, 1940-1945.
by Chris Mann. London: Brown Partworks Limited, 2002. Call no: D763.N6 M26 2002
Hitlers holocaust. Call #: D804.3 .H58 2001
Hitlers shadow war: the Holocaust and World War II. by Donald M. McKale. New York: Cooper Square Press: Distributed by National Book Network, 2002. Call no: DS135.G3315 M43 2002
Hunting Hitler. Nugus/Martin Productions, Ltd.; produced by Nigel Turner Productions for History; written, produced and directed by Nigel Turner. Call #: DD247.H5 H86 2009
The imitation game. Call #: PN1997.2.I45 2015
Imperial Germany 1871-1918 by James Retallack. Oxford: OUP Oxford. 2008.
Imperial Germany 1871-1918 by Stephen J. Lee. London: Routledge. 1999
In the shadows of war: an American pilots odyssey through occupied France and the
camps of Nazi Germany. by Thomas Childers. New York: H. Holt, 2003. Call no: D802.F8 C476 2003
Into the arms of strangers stories of the Kindertransport. Warner Bros. Pictures presents a Sabine Films, Skywalker, U.S. Holocaust Museum; producer, Deborah Oppenheimer. Call #: D810.J4 I57
Islam and Muslims in Germany edited by Ala Al-Hamarneh and Jorn Thielmann. Leiden [The Netherlands]; Boston: Brill, 2008.
Jews and Jewish education in Germany today by Eliezer Ben Rafael. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2011.
The last days presented by October Films; Steven Spielberg and Survivors of the Shoah Visual History
Foundation present a Ken Lipper/June Beallor Production. Call #: D810.32 .L37 2003
The last Nazi: the life and times of Dr. Joseph Mengele. by Gerald Astor. New York: D.I. Fine, 1985. Call no: DD247.M46 A87 1985
Life and death in the Third Reich by Peter Fritzsche. Cambridge, Mass London: Belknap Harvard University Press, 2009, c2008. Call #: DD256.5 .F747 2009
The link. Produced by Atlantic Productions for History in association with BBC, ZDF and NRK;
executive producer, Anthony Geffen; producer, Lucie Rideout. Call #: GN282.L563 2009
Little man what now? by Hans Fallada. Brooklyn, NY: Melville House Pub., c2009. Call #: PT2607.I6 K613
Luftwaffe by Williamson Murray. Baltimore, MD: Nautical & Aviation Pub. Co. of America, c1985.
Call #: D787 .M84 1996
Luther. NFP and First Look Media present a NFP Teleart production. Call #: BR327 .L77 2004
Martin Luther. Lion Television production in association with PBS and Devillier Donegan Enterprises;
written, produced &directed by Cassian Harrison. Series: Great religions: people and passions
that changed the world. Call #: BL80.3 .G74 2005
Masters of death: the SS-Einsatzgruppen and the invention of the Holocaust. by Richard Rhodes. New York: A.A. Knopf, 2002. Call no: D804.3 .R53 2002
Mathematicians fleeing from Nazi Germany: individual fates and global impact by R. Siegmund-Schultze. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009.
Nazi concentration and death camps. Historical Archive Corporation presents. Call #: D805.G3 N395 2006 DVD
The Nazi officers wife. Moxie Firecracker Films and Trillion Entertainment; for A & E Network; produced by
Liz Garbus, Rory Kennedy; written and co-produced by Jack Younge Call #: DS135.A93 H34
2003 DVD
No place on earth an incredible true story of strength and survival. Magnolia pictures; produced by the History Channel; producer, Janet Tobias [et al.]; screenwriters, Janet Tobias, Paul Laikin.
Call #: DVD DS135.U43 S7376 2013
The only way. director, Bent Christensen. Call #: PN1995.H5 O55 2010 DVD
The Oster conspiracy of 1938: the unknown story of the military plotto kill Hitler
and avert World War II by Terry M. Parssinen. New York: HarperCollins, 2003.Call no: DD247.O85 b P37 2003
Out of the ashes. Showtime presents; a Contenders Only/Cypress Point production, in association with
Ardent Productions; a Joseph Sargent film; Call #: D805.P7 O98 2004 DVD
Pharmacopolitics drug regulation in the United States and Germany by Arthur A. Daemmrich. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004.
Rearming Germany edited by James S. Corum. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2011.
Red storm on the Reich: the Soviet march on Germany, 1945 by Christopher Duffy. New York: Atheneum: Maxwell Macmillan International, 1991. Call #: D764 .D797 1991
Religion and the secular in Eastern Germany, 1945 to the present edited by Esther Peperkamp, Malgorzata Rajtar. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2010.
The rise and fall of the Third Reich: a history of Nazi Germany by William L. Shirer. London: Folio Society, 2004, 1995. Call #: DD256.5 .S48 2004
Schindlers list Universal Pictures presents an Amblin Entertainment production; producers, Branko
Lustig, Steven Spielberg. Call #: PN1995.5.H5 S35 2004
The scourge of the Swastika; a short history of Nazi war crimes. by Russell of Liverpool, Edward Frederick
Langley Russell, Baron. London, Cassell, 1954. Call no: D804.G4 R83 1954
The search for Gestapo Mller: the man without a shadow. by Charles Whiting. Barnsley, South Yorkshire: Leo Cooper, 2001. Call no: D804.G4 W455 2001
Sophies choice ITC Films, Inc. Call #: PS3569.T9 S62 1999 DVD
Storm of steel by Ernst Jnger. New York, N.Y.: Penguin Books, 2016. Call #: D640.J69313 2016
SS-Das Reich: the history of the second SS division, 1939-45. by Gregory Louis Mattson. St. Paul, MN: MBI Publishing Co., 2002. Call no: D757.85 .M38 2002
SS: the blood-soaked soil: the battles of the Waffen-SS. by Gordon Williamson. Osceola, WI: Motorbooks International, 1995. Call no: DD253.65 .W56 1995
The Third Reich: a new history by Michael Burleigh. New York: Hill and Wang, 2000. Call #: DD256.5 .B94 2000
Through hell for Hitler: a dramatic first-hand account of fighting on the Eastern
Front with the Wehrmacht bt HenryMetelmann. Havertown, PA: Casemate, 2001. Call no: D764 b .M415 2001
Valkyrie MGM Pictures and United Artists present; produced by Bryan Singer, Christopher McQuarrie,
Gilbert Adler; written by Christopher McQuarrie. Call #: PN1997.2 .V35 2009 DVD
The world at war. Thames Television Ltd.; Fremantle Media; The History Channel; directed by Sir Jeremy
Isaacs. Call #: D743.23 .W64 2004 DVD
World War I the Great War. Call #: D521 .W67 2008 DVD
The years of extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945 by Saul Friedlnder. New York: Harper Perennial, 2008, c2007. Call #: D804.3 .F753 2008
The zookeepers wife. Focus Features; a Scion Films production; an Electric City Entertainment, Tollin
Productions and Rowe Miller Productions production; Call #: PN1997.2.Z66 2017 DVD
World War I Books, eBooks & DVDs
eBooks can be found in EBSCOs eBook Acaedmic Collection or eBook Collection. More articles, books, eBooks & DVDs
related to World War I are available in the Library and through its databases.
The 1914 campaign: August-October 1914 by Daniel David. Bryn Mawr, PA: Combined Books, 1987. Call no: D521 .D2 1987
Adventures of a young man (1 disc). Beverly Hills, Calif: 20th Century Fox, c2007. Twentieth Century Fox presents a CinemaScope picture; a Jerry Wald production; screenplay by A.E. Hotchner;
directed by & Martin Ritt. Call no: DVD PN1995.9.A3 E76478 2007
African American doctors of World War I: the lives of 104 volunteers by W. Douglas Fisher and Joann H. Buckley. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., Inc., Publishers, 2016. Call no: D629.U6 F57 2016
All quiet on the western front by Erich Maria Remarque; translated from the German by A. W. Wheen. Boston: Little Brown, c1958. Call no: PT2635.E68
America at war from the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror (14 discs). [New York, NY]: A&E Television Networks Distributed by New Video, [2009]. Call no: DVD E181 .A44 2009
America in World War I: the story and photographs by Donald M. Goldstein and Harry J. Maihafer. Washington, D.C.: Brasseys, c2004.
Americas Great War: World War I and the American Experience by Robert H. Zieger. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2000
Americas Sailors in the Great War : Seas, Skies, and Submarines by Lisle A. Rose. Columbia : University of Missouri. 2016
Americas U-Boats: Terror Trophies of World War I by Chris Dubbs. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 2014
Argonne days in World War I by Horace L. Baker. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2007.
The backwash of war: an extraordinary American nurse in World War I by Ellen N. La Motte; edited with an introduction and biography by Cynthia Wachtell, editor.
The battle history of the U.S. Air Force (1 disc). [New York, NY]: A&E Home Video Distributed by New Video, c2005. Produced by Lou Reda Productions for the History Channel; produced by Henry
Nevison; written by Norman Stahl with Rod Paschall. Series: The battle history of the United States
military; v. 3. Call no: DVD E181 .B38854 2005 DVD
The battle history of the U.S. Army (1 disc). [New York, NY]: A&E Home Video Distributed by New Video, c2005. Produced by Lou Reda Productions for the History Channel; produced by Henry
Nevison; written by Norman Stahl with Rod Paschall. Series: The battle history of the United
States military; v. 4. Call no: DVD E181 .B38854 2005
The battle history of the U.S. Marines (1 disc). [New York, NY]: A&E Home Video Distributed by New Video, c2005. Produced by Lou Reda Productions for the History Channel; produced by Henry
Nevison; written by Norman Stahl with Rod Paschall. Series: The battle history of the United
States military; v. 1. Call no: DVD E181 .B38854 2005
The battle history of the U.S. Navy (1 disc). [New York, NY]: A&E Home Video Distributed by New Video, c2005. Produced by Lou Reda Productions for the History Channel; produced by Henry
Nevison; written by Norman Stahl with Rod Paschall. Series: The battle history of the United
States military; v. 2. Call no: DVD E181 .B38854 2005
The best World War I story I know: on the Point in the Argonne, September 26October
16, 1918 by Nimrod T. Frazer. St. Paul., MN: Rainbow Division Veterans Foundation, 2018.
The charity of war: famine, humanitarian aid, and World War I in the Middle East by Melanie S. Tanielian. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2017.
The dark ages the fall of civilization, the rise of a new world order (1 disc). New York, NY: A&E Home Video Distributed by New Video, [2007], 2006. A&E Television Networks; [presented by ] The
History Channel; produced by Kralyevich Productions Inc.; producers, Christopher Cassel, Lineta Zukausk
Call no: DVD D121 .D37 2007
Dear home letters from World War I (1 disc). New York: History Channel, Distributed by New Video Group c2000. A & E Television Networks. Call no: DVD D570.9 .D43 2000
Dear home letters from World War I (1 disc). [New York, NY]: A & E Television
Networks, c2005. A & E Television Networks; The History Channel. Multimedia classroom
American history series volume 1, lesson 15. Call no: DVD E178.1 .M95 2005
Devil Dogs: Fighting Marines of World War I by George B. Clark. Novato, CA: Presdio Press, 1999. Call no: D570 .348 .C43 1999
Dominating the Enemy: War in the Trenches 1914-1918 by Anthony Saunders. Great Britain: Suitton Publishing, Ltd., 2000. Call no: D523 .S28 2000
Doughboy War: the American Expeditionary Force in World War I by James H. Hallas.Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2000. Call no: D570 .D68 2000
Downton Abbey Season 1 (3 discs). [London]: Carnival Film & Television Limited [Alexandria, VA]
PBS Distribution, c2013. Written and created by Julian Fellowes; executive producers,
Gareth Neame, Rebecca Eaton, Julian Fellowes; producer, Nigel Marchant; series producer, Liz Trubridge;
directors, Brian Percival, Ben Bolt, Brian Kelly; a Carnival Films production; a Carnival/Masterpiece
co- production.
Call no: DVD PN1992.77.D69 2011
Downton Abbey Season 2 (3 discs). London: Carnival Film & Television Limited Alexandria, VA PBS
Distribution, c2012. Written and created by Julian Fellowes; executive producers, Gareth Neame,
Rebecca Eaton, Julian Fellowes; producer, Liz Trubridge; a Carnival Films production; a Carnival/
Masterpiece co-production. Call no: DVD PN1992.77.D69 2012
Downton Abbey Season 3 (3 discs). [London]: Carnival Film & Television Limited [Alexandria, VA]
PBS Distribution, c2013. Written and created by Julian Fellowes; producer, Liz Trubridge;
directors, Brian Percival, Andy Goddard, Jeremy Webb, David Evans; a Carnival Films production;
a Carnival/ Masterpiece co-production. NBCUniversal. Call no: DVD PN1992.77.D69 2013
Downton Abbey Season 4 (3 discs). [Arlington, VA]: PBS Distribution, [2014]. A Carnival Films production;
a Carnival/Masterpiece co-production; written and created by Julian Fellowes; executive
producers Gareth Neame, Julian Fellowes and Liz Trubridge; co-executive producer Nigel Marchant;
producer Rupert Ryle-Hodges; directors, David Evans, Catherine Morshead, Philip John, Edward
Hall and Jon East. Call no: DVD PN1992.77.D69 2014
Downton Abbey Season 5 [3 discs]. A Carnival Films production; a Carnival/Masterpiece co-production;
written and created by Julian Fellowes; executive producers Gareth Neame, Julian Fellowes,
Liz Trubridge, and Nigel Marchant; producer Chris Croucher; directors, Catherine Morshead,
Minkie Spiro, Philip John, and Michael Engler. Call no: DVD PN1992.77.D69 2015
Downton Ab by Season 6 [6 discs]. written and created by Julian Fellows; producer, Chris Croucher;
executive producers, Gareth Neame, Nigel Marchant, Julian Fellows, Liz Trubridge;
executive producer for Masterpiece, Rebecca Eaton and Susanne Simpson; a Carnival
Films production; a Carnival/ Masterpiece co-production; Carnival Film & Television Limited. Call no: DVD PN1992.77.D69 2016
Downton Abbey Movie [1 disc]. Focus Features presents in association with Perfect World Pictures
a Carnival Films production; screenplay by Julian Fellowes; produced by Gareth Neame,
Julian Fellowes, Liz Trubridge; directed by Michael Engler. DVD PN1997.2.D69 2019
Duffys war Fr. Francis Duffy, Wild Bill Donovan, and the Irish fighting 69th in World
War I by Stephen L. Harris. Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books, c2006.
The economics of World War I edited by Stephen Broadberry and Mark Harrison. Cambridge: New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Embattled home fronts domestic politics and the American novel of World War I by Karsten H. Piep. Amsterdam; New York, NY: Rodopi, 2009.
Eye-deep in Hell: Trench Warfare in World War I by John Ellis. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976. Call no: D530 .E44 1976
A farewell to arms by Ernest Hemingway. Seoul, Korea: YBM Si-sa, [2001?] Call no: PS3515.E37 F3
A farewell to arms (1 disc). The Selznick Studio; David O. Selznick presents his production of Ernest
Hemingways romantic tragedy of World War I; screenplay by Ben Hecht; photographed
by Piero Portalupi, Oswald Morris; directed by Charles Vidor. Call no: DVD PN1995.9.A3 E76478
The First World War by John Keegan. New York: ALfred A. Knopf, 1999. Call no: D521 .K345 1999
The First World War the complete series (4 discs). Chatsworth, CA: Distributed by Image Entertainment, [2005]. A Wark Clements, Hamilton Films production in association with South Star and Channel
4; producers, Marcus Kiggell [et al.]; series narrated and produced by Jonathan Lewis. Call no: DVD D521 .F57 2005
First Ypres 1914: the birth of trench warfare by David Lomas. Westport, CT: Praeger, c2004. Call no: D542.Y6 L6 1998
The forgotten front: the Eastern Theater of World War I, 1914-1915 edited by Gerhard P. Gross; translated by Janice W. Ancker. Lexington, Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky, 2018.
Gallipoli by Alan Moorehead. Norwalk, CT: Easton Press, 1988, 1956. Call no: D568.3 .M59 1988
The Godfather 3-movie collection (3 discs). Hollywood, California: Paramount Pictures, [2015] Paramount
Pictures; screenplay by Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola.
Call no: DVD PN1997.G56833 2015
Great battles of World War I by Anthony Livesey. New York: Macmillan, 1989. Call no:
D521 .L55 1989
The Great War: perspectives on the First World War New York: Random House, 2003.
Call no: D522.42 .G74 2003
The guns of August by Barbara Wertheim Tuchman. Norwalk, CT: Easton Press, 1987. Call no: D530 .T8 1987
Herman Wouks War and remembrance. Parts I-VII of a 12-part series. ABC Circle Films presents a Dan Curtis production; producer Barbara Steele; screenplay by Earl W. Wallace, Dan Curtis,
Herman Wouk; director, Dan Curtis. New York, NY: American Broadcasting Co: Distributed and manufactured
by MPI Home Video, 2004, c1988. Call no: DVD PN1997 .W3354 2004
Herman Wouks War and remembrance. The final chapter. Parts VIII- XII of a 12-part series. ABC Circle Films presents a Dan Curtis production; producer Barbara Steele; screenplay by Earl W. Wallace,
and Dan Curtis, Herman Wouk; director, Dan Curtis. United States: MPI Home Video, 2004,
c1988. Call no: DVD PN1997.W3354 2004
Herman Wouks The Winds of War. Presented by Paramount Pictures; teleplay by Herman Wouk from his novel; producedand directed by Dan Curtis; Call no: DVD PN1997.W763 C978 2004
His time in hell a Texas marine in France: the World War I memoir of Warren R. Jackson
by Warren R. Jackson. Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 2001. Call no: D570.9 .W26 2001
A History of Eastern Europe (4 discs). Chantilly, VA: Teaching Co., [2015] Professor Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius.
Series: Great courses. History. Modern history. Call no: DVD DJK24.L58 2015
Hot blood and cold steel: life and death in the trenches of the First World War by London: Tom Donovan, 1993. Call no: D530 .H695 1993
In Flanders fields the 1917 campaign by Leon Wolff. London: Folio Society, 2003. Call no: D541 .W7 2003
Investigate everything federal efforts to compel Black loyalty during World War I
by Theodore Kornweibel. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2002.
Lossbergs War: The World War I Memoirs of a German Chief of Staff by Fritz von Lossberg, David T. Zabecki,Dieter J. Biedekarken. Lexington, Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky. 2017
Memories and representations of war the case of World War I and World War II edited by Elena Lamberti and Vita Fortunati.Amsterdam; New York, NY: Rodopi, 2009.
Miss Fishers murder mysteries , Season 1 (4 discs). United States: Acorn Media, 2013.
Call no: DVD PN1992.77.M57 2013
Miss Fishers murder mysteries, Season 2 (4 discs). Silver Springs, MD: Acorn, 2013.
Call no: DVD PN1992.77.M57 2013
Miss Fishers murder mysteries , Season 3 (3 discs). Silver Springs, MD: Acorn, 2015.
Call no: DVD PN1992.77.M57 2015
Now the hell will start: one soldiers flight from the greatest manhunt of World War
II by Brendan I. Koerner. Call no: D810.N4 P4756 2008
A pictorial history of the World War I years by Edward Jablonski. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1979.Call no: D521 .J18
Picture this: World War I posters and visual culture, edited and with an introduction by Pearl James. 1 online resource (xi, 398 pages): illustrations.
The razors edge by W. Somerset Maugham. London New York: Thinking Ink,
2011. Call no: PR6025.A86 R3 2011
The Real War, 1914 to 1918 by B. H. LiddellHart. Norwalk, CT: The Easton Press, 1994. Call no: D521 .L48 1994
Reel patriotism the movies and World War I by Leslie Midkiff DeBauche. Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press, c1997.
Remembering World War I in America by Kimberly J. Lamay Licursi. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2018.
Rockefeller philanthropy and modern biomedicine international initiatives from World
War I to the Cold War edited by William H. Schneider. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 2002.
Savage continent: Europe in the aftermath of World War II by Keith Lowe. Call no: D829.E8 L68 2013
The second battle of the Marne, 1918 by Paul Greenwood. Shrewsbury, England: Airlife Pub., 1998. Call no: D545.M35 G74 1998
The Smell of War: Three Americans in the Trenches of World War I. College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 2017.
Sniping in France with notes on the scientific training of scouts, observers, and
snipers by Hesketh Vernon Prichard. Livonia NY: R&R Books, 1993. Call no: D546 .P7 1993
Somme by Lyn Macdonald. New York: Atheneum, 1989, 1983. Call no: D545.S7 M25 1989
Stilwell and the American experience in China, 1911-45 by Barbara Wertheim Tuchman. Norwalk, CT: Easton Press, 1994. Call no: E745.S68 T8 1994
Storm of steel by Ernst Jnger. New York, NY: Penguin Books, 2016. Call no: D640.J69313 2016
A Strange and Formidable Weapon: British Responses to World War I Poison Gas by Marion Girard. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2008.
War & diplomacy from World War I to the War on Terrorism edited by Andrew Dorman and Greg Kennedy. Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books, c2008.
War and remembrance. Parts I-VII of a 12-part series. ABC Circle Films presents a Dan Curtis production;
producer Barbara Steele; screenplay by Earl W. Wallace, Dan Curtis, Herman Wouk; director,
Dan Curtis. New York, NY: American Broadcasting Co: Distributed and manufactured by MPI Home Video,
2004, c1988. Call no: DVD PN1997 .W3354 2004
War and remembrance. The final chapter. Parts VIII- XII of a 12-part series. ABC Circle Films presents
a Dan Curtis production; producer Barbara Steele; screenplay by Earl W. Wallace, and Dan
Curtis, Herman Wouk; director, Dan Curtis. United States: MPI Home Video, 2004, c1988. Call no: DVD PN1997.W3354 2004
War as I knew it by George S. Patton. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., c1995. Call no: D743 .P3 1993
War land on the Eastern Front culture, national identity and German occupation in
World War I by Vejas G. Liulevicius. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
War, memory, and the politics of humor the Canard enchaine and World War I by Allen Douglas. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002.
A whole empire walking refugees in Russia during World War I by Peter Gatrell. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, c1999.
The Winds of War. Presented by Paramount Pictures; teleplay by Herman Wouk from his novel; producedand directed by Dan Curtis; Call no: DVD PN1997.W763 C978 2004
Women, war, and work: the impact of World War I on women workers in the United States by Maurine Weiner Greenwald. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1980. Call no: HD6095.G72 1980
The world at war (11 discs). New York: A&E Television Network Distributed by New Video, 2004. Thames
Television Ltd.; Media; The History Channel; directed by Sir Jeremy Isaacs. Call no: DVD D743.23 .W64 2004
World War I: An Illustrated History by Lloyd Clark. Oxford: Helicon Publishing, Ltd., 2001. Call no: D521 .C59 2001
World War I and the Origins of U.S. Military Intelligence by James L. Gilbert. Lanham, Md : Scarecrow Press. 2012
World War I and the triumph of a new Japan, 1919-1930 by Frederick R. Dickinson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2013.
World War I causes by Nathan Sacks. Minneapolis, Minnesota : Essential Library. 2016
The World War I memoirs of Robert P. Patterson a captain in the Great War by Robert Porter Patterson. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2012.
World War I the Great War (4 discs). [New York, NY]: A & E Television Networks, 2008.
Call no: DVD D521 .W67 2008 History.
World War I weapons by Emily Rose Oachs; content consultant, Justin Quinn Olmstead, Ph.D., assistant
professor of history, University of Central Oklahoma.
World War II Books, eBooks & DVDs
eBooks can be found in EBSCOs eBook Acaedmic Collection or eBook Collection. More articles, books ,
eBooks & DVDs
related to World War II are available in the Library and through its databases.
1st Infantry Division, Big Red One. by Ian Westwell. United States: Compendium Pub., 2002.
Call no: D769.31 .W47 2002
2nd Armored Division Hell on Wheels by Steven Smith. Hersham, Surrey: Military Book Club, 2003.
Call no: D769.3053 .S65 2003
Aces of the Mighty Eighth by Jerry Scutts. Osceola, WI: Osprey, 2002. Call no: D790 .S361 2002
After D-day: operation Cobra and the Normandy breakout by James Jay Carafano. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner
Publishers, 2000. Call no: D756.5.N6 C35 2000
The aftermath: a novel by Rhidian Brook. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2013. Call #: PR6052.R45 A64 2013
All quiet on the western front by Erich Maria Remarque. Boston: Little, Brown, 1975, 1930. Call no: PT2635.E68
Amen. Claude Berri presents; a coproduction Katharina/Renn Productions, TF1 Films Production.
Call #: DVD PN1995.9.H53 A48 2003
The American heritage picture history of World War II by C. L . Sulzberger. New York: American Heritage Pub.
Co., 1966. Call no: D743.2 .S8
And if I perish: frontline U.S. Army nurses in World War II by Evelyn Monahan. New York: Knopf, 2003.
Call no: D807.U6 M66 2003
And we shall shock them: the British Army in the Second World War by David Fraser. Norwalk, CT: Easton Press,
1997. Call no: D759 .F7 1983
Auschwitz inside the Nazi state. A KCET/BBC co-production; written and produced by Laurence Rees.
Call #: DVD D805.5.A96 A973 2005
Barbarossa: the first 7 days by Will Fowler. Havertown, PA: Casemate, 2004. Call no: D764 .F6827 2004
The Battle of Alamein: turning point, World War II by John Bierman. New York: Viking, 2002.
Call no: D766.9 .B54 2002
Battle, the story of the Bulge by John Toland. New York, Random House, 1959.
Call no: D756.5.A7 T6
Berlin dance of death by Helmut Altner. translated, annotated and illustrated by Tony Le Tissier. Havertown,
CASEMATE, 2002. Call no: D811.5 b .A5613 2002
Beyond valor: World War IIs Ranger and Airborne veterans reveal the heart of Into
the rising sun in their own
words, World War IIs Pacific veterans reveal the heart of combat by Patrick K. ODonnell. New York:
Free Press, 2001. Call no: D769.347 .O36 2001
The Bielski Brothers: Jerusalem in the Woods. United States: A & E Home Video, 2009.
Call no: DVD DS135.B383 B54 2009
Bitter victory: the battle for Sicily, July-August 1943 by Carlo DEste. New York, NY: HarperPerennial, 1991.
Call no: D763.S5 D47 1991
The Blitzkrieg campaigns: Germanys lightning war strategy in action by John Delaney. London: Arms and
Armour; New York, NY: Distributed in the USA by Sterling Pub. Co., 1996.
Call no: D755 .D46 1996
Blossoming silk against the Rising Sun U.S. and Japanese paratroopers at war in the
Pacific in World War II by
Gene Eric Salecker. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2010.
Broken silence Steven Spielberg and Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation present Cinemax
Reel Life;
producer, James Moll. Call #: DVD D804.3 .B76 2004x
The Caine mutiny: a novel of World War II by Herman Wouk. Garden City, NY: International Collectors Library,
American Headquarters, 1951. Call no: PS3545.O98 C31 1951
Captured: The Japanese Internment of American Civilians in the Philippines, 1941-1945 by Frances B. Cogan. Athens, Ga: University of Georgia Press. 2000
Catch-22, a novel by Joseph Heller. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1999, 1955. Call no: PS3558.E476 C3
Catch-22 notes, including life and backgrounds, list of characters, style and structure
in Catch-22, critical
commentaries, the novel and its tradition, review questions, selected bibliography by Charles A. Peek.
Lincoln, Neb.: Cliffs Notes, 1975. Call no: PS3558.E476 C338
Child Survivors of the Holocaust: The Youngest Remnant and the American Experience by Beth B. Cohen. Publication Information: New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University
Press. 2018
Churches and Religion in the Second World War by Jan Bank & Lieve Gevers. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Citizen soldiers the U.S. Army from the Normandy beaches to the Bulge to the surrender
of Germany,
June 7, 1944-May 7, 1945 by Stephen E. Ambrose. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1997.
Call no: D756 .A52 1997
City of shadows by Ariana Franklin. New York: William Morrow, c2006. Call #: PR6064.O73 H685 2006
Clash of wings: air power in World War II by Walter J. Boyne. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994.
Call no: D785 .B69 1994
Clear the bridge! The war patrols of the U.S.S. Tang by Richard H. OKane. Novato: Presidio Press, 1989.
Call no: D783.5.T35 O38
Combined fleet decoded: the secret history of American intelligence and the Japanese
Navy in World War II by
John Prados. New York: Random House, 1995. Call no: D810.C88 P73 1995
Counterspy memoirs of a counterintelligence officer in World War II and the Cold War
by Richard W. Cutler.
Washington, DC: Brasseys, c2004.
Death march: the survivors of Bataan by Donald Knox. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981.
Call no: D805.J3 K59
Death of a division by Charles Whiting. New York: Stein and Day, 1981, 1980. Call no: D769.3 .W45 1981
Death of a Nazi army: the Falaise pocket by New York: Stein and Day, 1985. William B. Breuer.
Call no: D756.5.F34 B73 1985
D-Day, June 6, 1944 the climactic battle of World War II by Stephen E. Ambrose. New York: Simon & Schuster,
1994. Call no: D756.5.N6 A455 1994
D-Day: the first 24 hours by Will Fowler. Miami, Fla: Lewis International, 2003. Call no: D756.5.N6 F69 2003
The debt. Focus Features and Miramax present a Marv Films production; screenplay by Matthew
Vaughn & Jane
Goldman and Peter Straughan. Call #: DVD PN1997 .D43493 2011
Defiance. Paramount Vantage presents a Grosvenor Park/Bedford Falls production, an Edward Zwick
produced by Edward Zwick et al. Call #: DVD PN1997.2 .D44 2009
Denial. Bleecker Street presents; in association with Participant Media and BBC Films; a
Entertainment production. Call #: DVD PN1997.2.D46637 2017
The devils arithmetic. Showtime presents; a Punch 21 and Millbrook Farm production; produced by
Murray Schisgal, Lee; screenplay by Robert J. Avrech. Call #: DVD PN1992.8.F5 D48
Decision in Normandy by Carlo DEste. New York, NY: Harper Perennial, 1991. Call no: D756.5.N6 D47 1991
Dresden, Tuesday, February 13, 1945 by Fred Taylor. New York: HarperCollins, 2004.
Call no: D757.9.D7 T39 2004
East German distinctiveness in a unified Germanyedited by Jonathan Grix and Paul Cooke. Birmingham:
University of Birmingham Press, c2002.
Encyclopedia of conflicts since World War II by Carl Skutsch. Armonk, NY: Sharpe Reference, 1999.
Call no: REF D843 .C568 1999
The end of the Russian Empire by Michael T. Florinsky. New York: Collier Books, 1961. Call no: DK265 .F5 1961
Enemy at the gates [DVD]. Hollywood, CA: Paramount Home Video, 2001.
Call no: DVD PN1997.E545 E545 2001
Enemy at the gates: the battle for Stalingrad by William Craig. New York, NY: Penguin Books, 2001.
Call no: D764.3.S7 C7 2001
Escape from Sobibor . Edison, NJ: Front Row Entertainment, 1997. Call #: DVD PN1997 .E76 1997
Escaping the Holocaust: Illegal Immigration to the Land of Israel, 1939-1944 by Dalia Ofer. New York: Oxford
University Press. 1990.
Every man dies alone by Hans Fallada. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Melville House, [2010], c2009.
Call #: PT2607.I6 J413 2010
Explaining the Holocaust: How and Why It Happened by Mordecai Schreiber and Mordecai Padiel.Eugene, Oregon:
Cascade Books. 2015
The fall of the Berlin Wall edited by Jeff T. Hay. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, c2010. Call #: DD881 .F33 2010
A family occupation children of the war and the memory of World War II in Dutch literature
of the 1980s
by Jolanda Vanderwal Taylor. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, c1997.
A farewell to arms by Ernest Hemingway. Norwalk, CT: Easton Press, 1990. Call no: PS3515.E37 F3 1990
Fighter pilot: the first American ace of World War II by William R. Dunn. Lexington, KY: University Press of
Kentucky, 1982. Call no: D790 .D86 1982
Fighting the invasion: the Germany Army at D-Day by Guenther Blumentritt et al; edited by David C. Is by .
London: Greenhill Books Mechanicsburg, PA Stackpole Books, 2000. Call #: D756.5.N6
F525 2000
The filthy thirteen from the Dustbowl to Hilters Eagles Nest: the 101st Airbornes
most legendary squad of
combat paratroopers by Richard Killblane. Havertown, PA: Casemate, 2003.
Call no: D769.348 .K55 2003
The First World War the complete series. A Wark Clements, Hamilton Films production in association with South
Star andChannel 4; producers, Marcus Kiggell, et al. Call #: DVD D521 .F57 2005
Flight to Arras by Antoine de Saint-Exupry. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1942. Call no: D788 .S32
Flyboys: a true story of courage by James Bradley. Boston: Little, Brown, 2003. Call no: D804.J3 B73 2003
The forgotten soldier by Guy Sajer. Translated from the French by Lily Emmet. Washington: Brasseys (US),
1990.Call no: D764 .S234513 1990
Forgotten Trials of the Holocaust by Michael J. Bazyler and Frank M. Tuerkheimer. New York: NYU Press. 2014
Fortress Third Reich: German fortifications and defense systems in World War II by J. E. Kaufmann Cambridge,
MA: Da Capo; London: Eurospan, 2003. Call no: UG429.G3 K38 2003
Fortress without a roof: the Allied bombing of the Third Reich by Wilbur H. Morrison. New York, NY: St. Martins
Press, 1982. Call no: D785 .M67 1982
Fragments of war stories from survivors of World War II by Joyce Hibbert. Toronto, Ontario: Dundurn Press,
From here to eternity by James Jones. New York, Scribner, 1951. Call no: PS3560.O49 F7 1951
Fury. Columbia Pictures presents in association with QED International and LStar Capital;
produced by Bill Block,
David Ayers, Ethan Smith. Call #: DVD PN1997.2.F879 2015
Germany, 1945-1949 a sourcebook by Manfred Malzahn. London; New York: Routledge, 1991.
Germany a short history by Donald S. Detwiler. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1999.
Germany and the European East in the twentieth century edited by Eduard Mhle. Oxford; New York: Berg, 2003.
Germany and the Second World War. Vol. 5, Organization and mobilization of the German
sphere of power.
Part 1, Wartime administration, economy, and manpower resources 1939-1941. by edited by the
Militrgeschichtliches Forschungsamt (Research Institute for Military History). Oxford:
Clarendon Press;
New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Germany and the Second World War. Vol. 9/1, German wartime society 1939-1945 politicization,
and the struggle for survival by Ralf Blank et al; translated by Derry Cook-Radmore et al; translation
editor, Derry Cook-Radmore. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press,
Germany as model and monster allusions in English fiction, 1830s-1930s by Gisela Argyle. Montreal, Que.:
McGill-Queens University Press, c2002.
Germany in transit nation and migration, 1955-2005 edited by Deniz Gktrk, David Gramling, Anton Kaes.
Berkeley: University of California Press, c2007.
Germany, pacifism and peace enforcement by Anja Dalgaard-Nielsen. Manchester: Manchester University Press,
The Gestapo: a history of Hitlers police 1933-45 by Rupert Butler. London: Amber Books, Ltd., 2004.
Call no: DD256.5 .B95 2004
The Gestapo: Power and Terror in the Third Reich by Carsten Dams and Michael Stolle. OUP Oxford, 2014.
Give us this day by Sidney Stewart. New York, Norton 1986. Call no: D805.J3 S8
A glorious way to die: the kamikaze mission of the battleship Yamato, April 1945 by Russell Spurr. New York,
NY: Newmarket Press, 1981. Call no: D777.5.Y33 S68
Gods of war by John Toland. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1985. Call no: PS3570.O427 G6 1985
Gotterdammerung 1945: Germanys last stand in the east by Russ Schneider. Philomont, VA: Eastern
Front/Warfield Books, 1998. Call no: D764 .S328 1998
Gravitys rainbow by Thomas Pynchon. New York: Penguin Books, 1995. Call no: PS3566.Y55 G7 1995
The hangmans daughter: a historical novel by Oliver Ptzsch. Las Vegas, NV: AmazonCrossing, 2010.
Call #: PT2676.O92 H4613 2010
Harts war. MGM Pictures presents a David Ladd Films, David Foster Productions, Cheyenne
Enterprises production. Call #: DVD PN1997 .H38 2002
The health of former prisoners of war results from the medical examination survey
of former POWs of
World War II and the Korean Conflict by William Frank Page. Washington, DC: National Academy
Press, 1992.
Hells highway: chronicle of the 101st Airborne Division in the Holland campaign, September-November,
by George E. Koskimaki. Havertown, Pa.: Casemate, 2003. Call no: D769.346 .K67 1989
Helmet for my pillow by Robert Leckie. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1957. Call no: D811 .L3547
Herman Wouks War and remembrance. Parts I-VII of a 12-part series. ABC Circle Films presents a
Dan Curtis production; producer Barbara Steele; screenplay by Earl W. Wallace,
Dan Curtis, Herman Wouk; director, Dan Curtis. New York, NY: American Broadcasting
Co: Distributed
and manufactured by MPI Home Video, 2004, c1988. Call #: PN1997 .W3354 2004
Herman Wouks War and remembrance. The final chapter. Parts VIII- XII of a 12-part series. ABC Circle Films presents
a Dan Curtis production; producer Barbara Steele; screenplay by Earl W. Wallace,
and Dan Curtis, Herman Wouk; director, Dan Curtis. United States: MPI Home Video,
2004, c1988.
Call no: DVD PN1997.W3354 2004
Herman Wouks the winds of war. Presented by Paramount Pictures; teleplay by Herman Wouk from his novel;
producedand directed by Dan Curtis; Call #: PN1997.W763 C978 2004
Hero of Bataan: the story of General Jonathan M. Wainwright by Duane P. Schultz. New York: St Martins Press,
1981. Call no: E745.W32 S38
Heroes of the Holocaust tales of resistance and survival. Call #: DVD D804.65 .H47 2008
Hidden Atrocities: Japanese Germ Warfare and American Obstruction of Justice at the
Tokyo Trial by Jeanne
Guillemin. New York: Columbia University Press. 2017
Hidden horrors: Japanese war crimes in World War II by Toshiyuki Tanaka. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1996.
Call no: D805.I55 T3613 1996
Hiroshima in America: fifty years of denial by Robert Jay Lifton. New York: Putnams Sons, 1995.
Call no: D767.25.H6 L42 1995
The History Channel ultimate collections World War II A&E Television Networks. Call #: DVD D743 .H57 2006
A History of Eastern Europe by Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius. Series: Great courses. History. Modern history.
Call #: DVD DJK24.L58 2015
Hitler and his generals: military conferences 1942-1945:the first complete stenographic
record of the military
situation conferences, from Stalingrad to Berlin by Adolf Hitler, Helmut Heiber, David M. Glantz.
New York: Enigma Books, 2003. Call no: D757 b .H5813 2003
Hitlers Arctic War: the German campaigns in Norway, Finland, and the USSR, 1940-1945 by Chris Mann.
London: BrownPartworks Limited, 2002. Call no: D763.N6 M26 2002
Hitlers holocaust. Call #: DVD D804.3 .H58 2001
Hitlers scientists: science, war, and the devils pact by John Cornwell. New York: Viking, 2003.
Call no: Q127.G3 C67 2003
Hitlers shadow war: the Holocaust and World War II by New York: Cooper Square Press: Distributed by National
Book Network, 2002. Call no: DS135.G3315 M43 2002
Hitlers U-boat war by Clay Blair. New York: Random House, 1996-1998. Call no: D781 .B53 1996
Holocaust. Titus Productions; CBS Broadcasting; Paramount Pictures; produced by Robert Buzz
Berger; written
by Gerald Green; directed by Marvin J. Chomsky. Call #: DVD D810.J4 H6 2008
Holocaust City: The Making of a Jewish Ghetto by Tim Cole. New York: Routledge, 2003
Holocaust Dachau and Sachsenhausen. Directed by Irmgard von Zur Muhlen; documented by Dr. Wolfgang
Scheffler. Call #: DVD D805.5.D33 H65 2006
The Holocaust Encyclopedia by Judith Taylor Baumel and Walter Laqeuer. New Haven: Yale University Press. 2001
Holocaust: The liberation of Auschwitz. Chronos U.K.; a documentary by Irmgard von zur Muhlen.
Call #: DVD D805.5.D33 H65 2005
Holocaust: The liberation of Majdanek. Directed by Irmgard von zur Muhlen; documented by Wolfgang Scheffler.
Call #: DVD D805.5.D33 H65 2006
Holocaust: Ravensbruck and Buchenwald. Directed by Irmgard von zur Muhlen; documented by Wolfgang
Scheffler. Call #: DVD D805.5.D33 H65 2006
Holocaust Representations in History: An Introduction by Daniel H. Magilow and Lisa Silverman. London:
Bloomsbury Academic. 2015
Holocaust: Theresienstadt. Introduced by Simon Wiesenthal; director, Irmgard von Zur Muhlen.
Call #: DVD D805.5.D33 H65 2005
Hospital at war the 95th Evacuation Hospital in World War II by Zachary Friedenberg. College Station:
Texas A & MUniversity Press, c2004.
Hot springs: a novel by Stephen Hunter. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000. Call no: PS3558.U494 H6 2000
Hunting Hitler. Nugus/Martin Productions, Ltd.; produced by Nigel Turner Productions for
History; written, produced and directed by Nigel Turner. Call #: DD247.H5 H86 2009
If Mahan ran the Great Pacific War an analysis of World War II naval strategy by John A. Adams. Bloomington, IN:
Indiana University Press, c2008.
The imitation game. Call #: DVD PN1997.2.I45 2015
Into the arms of strangers stories of the Kindertransport. Warner Bros. Pictures presents a Sabine Films,
Skywalker, U.S. Holocaust Museum; producer, Deborah Oppenheimer. Call #: D810.J4 I57
In the shadows of war: an American pilots odyssey through occupied France and the
camps of Nazi Germany.
by Thomas Childers. New York: H. Holt, 2003. Call no: D802.F8 C476 2003
In the wake of war the reconstruction of German cities after World War II by Jeffry M. Diefendorf. New York:
Oxford University Press, 1993.
In time of war understanding American public opinion from World War II to Iraq by Adam J. Berinsky. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2009.
Infamy: Pearl Harbor and its aftermath by John Toland. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1982.
Call no: D767.92 .T63 1982
Jackdaws by Ken Follett. New York: Dutton, 2001. Call no: PR6056.O45 J3 2001
Japanese War Criminals: The Politics of Justice After the Second World War by Sandra Wilson, Robert Cribb,
Beatrice Trefalt and Dean Aszkielowicz. New York: Columbia University Press, 2017
Jewish Doctors and the Holocaust: The Anatomy of Survival in Auschwitz by Ross Halpin. Munchen: De Gruyter
Oldenbourg. 2018
Killing ground on Okinawa: the battle for Sugar Loaf Hill by James H. Hallas. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1996.
Call no: D767.99.O45 H35 1996
The Knights of Bushido: a short history of Japanese war crimes by Russell of Liverpool, Edward Frederick Langley
Russell, Baron. London: Greenhill Books; Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2002.
Call no: D804.J3 R8 2002
Knights cross: a life of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel by David Fraser. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 1994.
Call no: DD247.R57 F73 1994
The Lady Be Good: mystery bomber of World War II by Dennis E. McClendon. Fallbrook, CA: Aero Publishers,
1982. Call no: D790 .M25 1982
The language of war literature and culture in the U.S. from the Civil War through
World War II by James Dawes.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2002.
The last days presented by October Films; Steven Spielberg and Survivors of the Shoah Visual History
Foundation present a Ken Lipper/June Beallor Production. Call #: DVD D810.32 .L37
The last escape: the untold story of allied prisoners of war in Europe, 1944-45 by John Nichol. New York:
Viking, 2003. Call no: D805.G3 N496 2003
The last Nazi: the life and times of Dr. Joseph Mengele by Gerald Astor. New York: D.I. Fine, 1985.
Call no: DD247.M46 A87 1985
Life and death in the Third Reich by Peter Fritzsche. Cambridge, Mass London: Belknap Harvard University Press,
2009, c2008. Call #: DD256.5 .F747 2009
The link. Produced by Atlantic Productions for History in association with BBC, ZDF and NRK;
producer, Anthony Geffen; producer, Lucie Rideout. Call #: GN282.L563 2009
Little man what now? by Hans Fallada. Brooklyn, NY: Melville House Pub., c2009. Call #: PT2607.I6 K613
The long war a new history of U.S. national security policy since World War II edited by Andrew J. Bacevich.
New York: Columbia University Press, c2007.
Lost in the victory reflections of American war orphans of World War II collected by Susan Johnson Hadler and
Ann Bennett Mix; edited by Calvin L. Christman. Denton: University of North Texas
Press, 1998.
Loyalty is my honor by Gordon Williamson. Osceola, WI: Motorbooks International, 1995.
Call no: D757.85 .W55 1995
Luftwaffe by Norwalk, Conn: Easton Press, 1996 by Williamson Murray. Call no: D787 .M84 1996
Luther. NFP and First Look Media present a NFP Teleart production. Call #: DVD BR327 .L77
The man who flew the Memphis Belle: memoir of a WWII bomber pilot by Robert Morgan. New York: Dutton,
2001. Call no: D790 .M615 2001
Mark Clark by Martin Blumenson. New York: Congdon & Weed: Distributed by St. Martins Press,
Call no: E745.C45 B58 1984
Martin Luther. Lion Television production in association with PBS and Devillier Donegan Enterprises;
produced & directed by Cassian Harrison. Series: Great religions: people and passions
that changed the
world. Call #: BL80.3 .G74 2005
Masters of death: the SS-Einsatzgruppen and the invention of the Holocaust by Richard Rhodes. New York: A.A.
Knopf, 2002. Call no: D804.3 .R53 2002
Memories and representations of war the case of World War I and World War II edited by Elena Lamberti and
Vita Fortunati. Amsterdam; New York, NY: Rodopi, 2009.
Memories of World War II. New York, NY: A & E Television Networks, 2005. Call no: DVD E178.1.M95 2005
A mighty fortress lead bomber over Europe by Charles Alling. Havertown, PA: Casemate, 2002.
Call no: D790 .A784 2002
My Fathers War fighting with the Buffalo Soldiers in World War II by Carolyn Johnston. Tuscaloosa: University of
Alabama Press, 2012.
The naked and the dead by New York: Rinehart, 1948 by Norman Mailer. Call no: PS3525.A4152 N34 1948
A Nation Forged in War How World War II Taught Americans to Get Along by Thomas A. Bruscino. Knoxville:
University of Tennessee Press, 2010.
Nazi concentration and death camps. Historical Archive Corp., 2006. Call no: DVD D805.G3 N395 2006
The Nazi Officers Wife. A & E Home Video, 2003. Call no: DVD DS135.A93 H34 2003
Night by Elie Wiesel. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1986, 1960. Call no: D810.J4 W513
No name on the bullet: a biography of Audie Murphy by Don Graham. New York, NY, U.S.A.: Viking, 1989.
Call no: U53.M87 G73 1989
No ordinary time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: the home front in World War II by Doris Kearns Goodwin.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994. Call no: E807 .G66 1994
No place on earth: an incredible true story of strength and survival Magnolia pictures; produced by the History
Channel. Los Angeles, Calif: Magnolia Home Entertainment, 2013. Call no: DVD DS135.U43
S7376 2013
One world, big screen Hollywood, the Allies, and World War II by M. Todd Bennett. Chapel Hill: The University of
North Carolina Press, c2012.
The Only Way. Tulsa, OK: Blair and Associates: distributed by VCI Entertainment, c2010.
Call no: DVD PN1995.H5 O55 2010
The Oster conspiracy of 1938: the unknown story of the military plot to kill Hitler
and avert World War II
by Terry M. Parssinen. New York: HarperCollins, 2003. Call no: DD247.O85 b P37 2003
Our finest day D-Day: June 6, 1944 by Mark Bowden. San Francisco: Chronicle Books; Vancouver: Distributed in
Canada by Raincoast Books, 2002. Call no: D756.5.N6 B64 2002
Out of the Ashes. United States: Showtime Entertainment, 2004. Call #: DVD D805.P7 O98 2004
The Pacific War papers Japanese documents of World War II edited by Donald M. Goldstein and Katherine V.
Dillon. Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books, c2004.
Pattons best: an informal history of the 4th Armored Division by Nat Frankel. New York: Hawthorn Books, 1978.
Call no: D769.305 .F72
The politics of war trauma the aftermath of World War II in eleven European countries
edited by Jolande Withuis
& Annet Mooij. Amsterdam: Aksant, 2010.
Postwar Germany and the Holocaust by Caroline Sharples. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016.
Prisoners of war, prisoners of peace captivity, homecoming, and memory in World War
II edited by Bob Moore &
Barbara Hately-Broad. Oxford; New York: Berg, c2005.
The rape of Nanking: the forgotten holocaust of World War II by Iris Chang. New York, NY: BasicBooks, 1997.
Call no: DS796.N2 C44 1997
Red storm on the Reich: the Soviet march on Germany, 1945 by Christopher Duffy. New York: Atheneum:
Maxwell Macmillan International, 1991. Call no: D764 .D797 1991
Rethinking World War Two: The Conflict and Its Legacy by Jeremy Black. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.
The rise and fall of the Third Reich: a history of Nazi Germany by William L. Shirer. New York: Simon & Schuster,
1990, Call no: DD256.5 .S48 1990
Schindlers list by Thomas Keneally. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1982. Call no: PR9619.3.K46 S3
Schindlers list. Universal City, CA: Universal, [2004], 1993. Call no: DVD PN1995.5.H5 S35 2004
The Schweinfurt-Regensburg mission by Martin Middlebrook. New York: Scribner, 1983.
Call no: D790 .M49 1983
The scourge of the Swastika; a short history of Nazi war crimes by Russell of Liverpool, Edward Frederick
Langley Russell, Baron. London, Cassell, 1954. Call no: D804.G4 R83 1954
The Sea and the Second World War: Maritime Aspects of a Global Conflict by Marcus Faulkner & Alessio
Patalano. Lexington, Kentucky: Andarta Books, 2019.
The search for Gestapo Mller: the man without a shadow by Charles Whiting. Barnsley, South Yorkshire:
Leo Cooper, 2001. Call no: D804.G4 W455 2001
The Second World War Illustrated: The First Year by Jack Holroyd. Barnsley, South Yorkshire: Pen and Sword
Military, 2019.
The Secret Archives: Western Front (SS: The Secret Archives) by Ian Baxter. London: Amber Books, Ltd., 2003.
Call no: D756 .B37 2003
Selling war the British propaganda campaign against American neutrality in World War
II by Nicholas John Cull.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Semper Fi, Mac: Living Memories Of The U.s. Marines In World War II by Henry Berry. New York: Arbor House,
1982. Call no: D767 .B48 1982
Silent running: my years on a World War II attack submarine by James F. Calvert. New York: J. Wiley, 1995.
Call no: D782.J33 C35 1995
Soldiers of 44 by William P. McGivern. New York: Arbor House, 1979.
Call no: PS3525.A236
SS-Das Reich: the history of the second SS division, 1939-45. by Gregory Louis Mattson. St. Paul, MN: MBI
Publishing Co., 2002. Call no: D757.85 .M38 2002
SS: hell on the Eastern front the Waffen-SS war in Russia, 1941-1945 by Christopher Ails by . Osceola, WI: MBI
Pub., Co., 1998. Call no: D764 .A4435 1998
Staging the war American drama and World War II by Albert Wertheim. Bloomington: Indiana University Press,
Steel rain: Waffen-SS panzer battles in the West, 1944-1945 by Tim Ripley. Staplehurst: Spellmount, 2001.
Call no: D757.85 .R55 2001
Stilwell and the American experience in China, 1911-45 by Barbara Wertheim Tuchman. Norwalk, CT: Easton
Press, 1994. Call no: E745.S68 T8 1994
Storming Hitlers Rhine: the Allied assault, February-March 1945 by William B. Breuer. New York, NY: St. Martins
Press, 1985. Call no: D757.9.R5 B74 1985
Submarine! by Edward Latimer Beach. New York, Holt, 1952. Call no: D783.5.T7 B4
The Third Reich [15 vols.] Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1988. Call no: REF D785 .M3
The thousand-mile war World War II in Alaska and the Aleutians by Brian Garfield. Fairbanks: University of
Alaska Press, 1995.
Threshold of war Franklin D. Roosevelt and American entry into World War II by Waldo H. Heinrichs. New York;
Oxford: Oxford University Press, c1988.
Through hell for Hitler: a dramatic first-hand account of fighting on the Eastern
Front with the Wehrmacht
by Henry Metelmann. Havertown, PA: Casemate, 2001. Call no: D764 b .M415 2001
Through these portals: a Pacific war saga by Wayne C. MacGregor. Pullman, WA: Washington State University
Press, 2002. Call no: D767 .M16 2002
Thunder gods: the kamikaze pilots tell their story by Hatsuho Naito. New York: Kodansha International, 1989.
Call no: D777 .N3413 1989
Touched with fire: the land war in the South Pacific by Eric M. Bergerud. New York: Viking, 1996.
Call no: D767.9 .B47 1996
The U-boats by Douglas Botting. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1979. Call no: V210 .B67
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 19331945
by Geoffrey P.
Megargee and Joseph White. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 2009 Volume I: Early
Youth Camps, and Concentration Camps and Subcamps Under the SS-Business Administration
Office (WVHA)
Volume III: Camps and Ghettos Under European Regimes Aligned with Nazi Germany
The U.S. Army in World War II by Mark R. Henry. Oxford, U.K: Osprey Military, 2001 Call no: D769 .H46 2001
The U.S. Army in World War II. A pictorial record New York: Artabras Publishers, 1990. Call no: D769 .U2 1990
U.S. Infantry weapons of World War II by Bruce N. Canfield. Lincoln, RI: Andrew Mowbray Publishers, 1996.
Call no: UD383 .C35 1996
V-1, V-2: Hitlers vengeance on London by David Johnson. New York: Stein and Day, 1982,
1981. Call no: D760.8.L7 J64 1982
War and remembrance, a novel by Boston: Little, Brown, 1978 by Herman Wouk. Call no: PS3545 .O98 1978
War at sea: a naval history of World War II by Nathan Miller. New York: Scribner, 1995. Call no: D770 .M49 1995
War comes again comparative vistas on the Civil War and World War II by Gabor Boritt; preface by David
Eisenhower; essays by Stephen E. Ambrose et al. New York: Oxford University Press,
The war complex World War II in our time by Marianna Torgovnick. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.
War in the Aegean the campaign for the Eastern Mediterranean in World War II by Peter C. Smith. Mechanicsburg,
PA: Stackpole Books, 2008.
War makes men of boys a soldiers World War II by Katherine Miller. College Station: Texas A&M University Press,
War, nation, memory international perspectives on World War II in school history textbooks
by Keith Crawford.
Charlotte, NC: Information Age, 2008.
War summits the meetings that shaped World War II and the postwar world by David Stone. Washington, DC:
Potomac Books, c2005.
We are a college at war: Women working for victory in World War II by Mary Weaks-Baxter. Carbondale: Southern
Illinois University Press, c2010.
With the old breed, at Peleliu and Okinawa by E. B. Sledge. Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1981.
Call no: D767.99.P4 S55
World War II (10 disc set). New York, N.Y: A&E Home Video: Distributed by New Video, 2006.
Call no: DVD D743.H57 2006
World War II a student companion by William L. ONeill. New York: Oxford University Press, c1999.
World War II an encyclopedia of quotations compiled and edited by Howard J. Langer. Westport, CT: Greenwood
Press, 1999.
World War II: Early Battles by John Hamilton. Edina: ABDO & Daughters. 2012.
World War II in Asia and the Pacific and the wars aftermath, with general themes a
handbook of literature and
research edited by Loyd E. Lee; foreword by Carol N. Gluck; Robin Higham, advisory editor.
CT: Press, 1998.
World War II in Europe, Africa, and the Americas, with general sources a handbook
of literature and research
edited by Loyd E. Lee; foreword by Mark A. Stoler; Robin Higham, advisory editor.
Westport, CT:
Greenwood Press, 1997.
World War II Pacific island guide a geo-military study by Gordon L. Rottman. Westport, CT:
Greenwood Press, 2002.
World War II reflections an oral history of Pennsylvanias veterans edited by Brian Lockman; with additional text
by Dan Cupper; introduction by Kenneth C. Wolensky. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books,
World War II: The Resistance by C. David North. New Word City, Inc. 2015
Worshipping the myths of World War II reflections on Americas dedication to war by Edward W. Wood.
Washington, DC: Potomac Books, c2006.
WW II by James Jones. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1975. Call no: D743 .J65
Yank, the Army weekly: World War II from the guys who brought you victory by Steve Kluger. New York:
St. Martins Press, 1991. Call no: D769.2 .K58 1990
The Zookeepers Wife. Universal City, CA: Universal Pictures Home Entertainment, 2017.
Call no: DVD PN1997.2.Z66 2017
Holocaust Books & DVDs
eBooks can be found in EBSCOs eBook Acaedmic Collection or eBook Collection. More articles, books ,
eBooks & DVDs
related to theHolocaust are available in the Library and through its databases.
Amen. Claude Berri presents; a coproduction Katharina/Renn Productions, TF1 Films Production;
in association
with KC Medien. Call #: DVD PN1995.9.H53 A48 2003
Auschwitz: inside the Nazi state a KCET/BBC co-production ; written and produced by Laurence Rees.
Call #: DVD D805.5.A96 A973 2005
The Bielski brothers: Jerusalem in the woods produced by Nostomania Production for the History Channel;
producers, Carrie Anssell, Dean Ward; written & directed by Dean Ward. Call #: DVD
DS135.B383 B54 2009
Bloodlands Europe between Hitler and Stalin by Timothy Snyder. Call #: DJK49.S69 2012
The boy in the striped pajamas Miramax Films presents; in association with BBC Films; a Heyday Films
production; a film by Mark Herman; co- producer, Rosie Aliso. Call #: DVD PN1997.2.B69
The boy in the striped pajamas a fable by John Boyne. Call #: PZ7.B69677 Boy 2007
Broken silence by Steven Spielberg and Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation present
Cinemax Reel
Life; producer, James Moll. Call #: DVD D804.3.B76 2004x
Dancing with the enemy my familys Holocaust secret by Paul Glaser. Call #: DS135.N6 G58413 2013
Defiance Paramount Vantage presents a Grosvenor Park/Bedford Falls production, an Edward Zwick
Call #: PN1997.2.D44 2009
Denial presented by Bleecker Street; in association with Participant Media and BBC Films;
a Krasnoff/Foster
Entertainment production. Call #: DVD PN1997.2.D46637 2017
The devils arithmetic Showtime presents ; a Punch 21 and Millbrook Farm production ; produced by Murray
Schisgal, Lee Gottsegen ; screenplay by Robert J. Avrech. Call #: DVD PN1992.8.F5
D48 2002
The diary of a young girl by Anne Frank. Call #: DS135.N6 F73313 1993
Encyclopedia of Holocaust literature edited by David Patterson, Alan L. Berger, and Sarita Cargas.
Escape from Sobibor Call #: DVD PN1997.E76 1997
Herman Wouks War and remembrance Parts I-VII of a 12-part series ABC Circle Films presents a Dan Curtis
production; producer Barbara Steele; screenplay by Earl W. Wallace, Dan Curtis, Herman
Call #: DVD PN1997.W3354 2004
Heroes of the Holocaust tales of resistance and survival Call #: DVD D804.65.H47 2008
Hidden children of the Holocaust: Belgian nuns and their daring rescue of young Jews
from the Nazis
by Suzanne Vromen. Call #: D804.48.V76 2008.
The hidden girl: a true story of the Holocaust by Lola Rein Kaufman. Call #: CC DS134.72.R67 K25 2008
A History of Eastern Europe by Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius. Series: Great courses. History. Modern history.
Call #: DJK24.L58 2015
Hitlers holocaust Call #: DVD D804.3.H58 2001
Hitlers shadow war: the Holocaust and World War II by Donald M. McKale. Call #: DS135.G3315 M43 2002
Holocaust Titus Productions ; CBS Broadcasting ; Paramount Pictures; produced by Robert Buzz
Berger; written
by Gerald Green; directed by Marvin J. Chomsky. Call #: DVD D810.J4 H6 2008
The Holocaust by Jack Fischel. Series: Greenwood Press Guides to historic events of the twentieth
The Holocaust across generations : trauma and its inheritance among descendants of
by Janet Liebman Jacobs.
Holocaust: an American understanding by Deborah E. Lipstadt. Series: Key Words in Jewish Studies ; v. 7
Holocaust and human rights education : good choices and sociological perspectives
by Michael Polgar.
The Holocaust and its religious impact a critical assessment and annotated bibliography
by Jack Fischel.
Holocaust and memory in Europe edited by Thomas Schlemmer, Alan E. Steinweis. Series: German yearbook of
contemporary history ; v. 1
Holocaust and memory: the experience of the Holocaust and its consequences : an investigation
based on
personal narratives by Barbara Engelking.
The Holocaust and North Africa edited by Aomar Boum and Sarah Abrevaya Stein.
The Holocaust and the nonrepresentable: literary and photographic transcendence by David Patterson.
Series: SUNY series in contemporary Jewish thought.
The Holocaust as active memory: the past in the present edited by Marie Louise Seeberg, Irene Levin and
Claudia Lenz.
Holocaust Dachau and Sachsenhausen directed by Irmgard von Zur Muhlen; documented by Dr. Wolfgang
Scheffler. Call #: DVD D805.5.D33 H65 2006
Holocaust denial as an international movement by Stephen E. Atkins.
The Holocaust encyclopedia, Walter Laqueur, editor; Judith Tydor Baumel, associate editor.
Holocaust impiety in Jewish American literature by Joost Krijnen. Series: Postmodern studies; v. 53.
The Holocaust in occupied Poland new findings and new interpretations edited by Jan T. Gross.
Holocaust literature edited by John K. Roth. Series: Magills choice
Holocaust Literature: A History and Guide by David G. Roskies. Series: Tauber Institute Series for the Study of
European Jewry
Holocaust mothers & daughters: family, history, and trauma by Federica K. Clementi. Series: HBI series on
Jewish women
The Holocaust object in Polish and Polish-Jewish culture by Boena Shallcross.
Holocaust odysseys the Jews of Saint-Martin-Vsubie and their flight through France
and Italy by Susan Zuccotti
Holocaust: The liberation of Auschwitz a documentary by Irmgard von zur Muhlen.
Call #: DVD D805.5.D33 H65 2005
Holocaust: The liberation of Majdanek directed by Irmgard von zur Muhlen; documented by Wolfgang Scheffler.
Call #: DVD D805.5.D33 H65 2006
Holocaust memory in the digital age : survivors stories and new media practices by Jeffrey Shandler.
Series: Stanford Studies In Jewish History And Culture
Holocaust: Ravensbruck and Buchenwald. Call #: DVD D805.5.D33 H65 2006
Holocaust remembrance between the national and the transnational by Larissa Allwork.
Holocaust representation art within the limits of history and ethics by Berel LAng.
Holocaust representations in history : an introduction by Daniel H. Magilow.
The holocaust sites of Europe an historical guide by Martin Winstone.
Holocaust: Theresienstadt introduced by Simon Wiesenthal; director, Irmgard von Zur Muhlen.
Call #: DVD D805.5.D33 H65 2005
I have lived a thousand years growing up in the Holocaust by Livia Bitton Jackson. Call #: DS135.H93 J33 1999 .
The last days presented by October Films; Steven Spielberg and Survivors of the Shoah Visual History
Foundation present a Ken Lipper/June Beallor Production. Call #: DVD D810.32 .L37
Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler: the age of social catastrophe by Robert Gellately. Call #: JC495.G45 2007
Life and death in the Third Reich by Peter Fritzsche.Call #: DD256.5.F747 2009
Mans search for meaning an introduction to logotherapy by Viktor Emil Frankl. Call #: D810.J4 F72713 1984
Masters of death: the SS-Einsatzgruppen and the invention of the Holocaust by Richard Rhodes.
Call #: D804.3.R53 2002
Nazi concentration and death camps by the Historical Archive Corporation. Call #: DVD D805.G3 N395 2006
The Nazi officers wife Moxie Firecracker Films and Trillion Entertainment; for A & E Network; produced by
Garbus, Rory Kennedy. Call #: DVD DS135.A93 H34 2003
Night by Elie Wiesel. Call #: D810.J4 W513
No place on earth an incredible true story of strength and survival Magnolia pictures; produced by the History
Channel; producer, Janet Tobias [et al.] ; screenwriters, Janet Tobias, Paul Laikin.
Call #: DVD DS135.U43 S7376 2013
The only way directed by, Bent Christensen. Call #: DVD PN1995.H5 O55 2010
Ordinary men: Reserve Police Battalion 101and the final solution in Poland by Christopher R. Browning.
Call #: D804.3.B77 2001
Out of the ashes presented by Showtime; a Contenders Only/Cypress Point production, in association
Ardent Productions ; a Joseph Sargent film. Call #: DVD D805.P7 O98 2004
The pharmacist of Auschwitz the untold story of Victor Capesius by Patricia Posner.
Call #: DD247.P676 2017
The rape of Nanking the forgotten holocaust of World War II by Iris Chang. Call #: DS796.N2 C44 1997
Schindlers list Universal Pictures presents an Amblin Entertainment production; producers, Branko
Gerald R. Molen, Steven Spielberg. Call #: DVD PN1995.5.H5 S35 2004
Schindlers list by Thomas Keneally. Call #: PR9619.3.K46 S3 1982
The secret hunters by Sir Ranulph Fiennes. Call #: PR6056.I4594 S43 2012
Surviving Hitler: a boy in the Nazi death camps by Andrea Warren. Call #: CC DS135.P63 M289 2002
Survivors: true stories of children in the Holocaust by Allan Zullo. Call #: CC D804.48.Z85
Twilight a novel by Elie Wiesel. Call #: PQ2683.I32 C7413 1988
The years of extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945 by Saul Friedlnder. Call #: D804.3.F753 2008
The zookeepers wife Focus Features presents ; a Scion Films production ; an Electric City Entertainment,
Tollin Productions and Rowe Miller Productions production. Call #: DVD PN1997.2.Z66
The zookeepers wife by Diane Ackerman. Call #: DS134.64.A25 2008