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Books & eBooks More eBooks about Psychology are available through the Librarys databases.
Act like a lady, think like a man: what men really think about love, relationships,
intimacy, and commitment by Steve Harvey. Call #: HQ801 .H35249 2011
Alcoholics Anonymous: the story of how many thousands of men and women have recovered
from alcoholism by Bill W. Call no: HV5275 .W15 1976
B.F. Skinner: a life by Daniel W. Bjork. Call no: BF109.S55 B46 1997
Child development by Robert S. Feldman.Call #: HQ767.9 .F43 2001
Bouncing back: how to handle setbacks in your work and personal life by Andrew J. DuBrin. Call no: BF637.S8 D69 1982
Career clues for the clueless by Christopher D. Hudson. Call no: HF5381 .H7717 1999
The child with special needs: encouraging intellectual and emotional growth by Stanley I. Greenspan. Call #: HV894 .G73 1998
The complete guide to mental health for women edited by Lauren Slater, Jessica Henderson Daniel, and Amy Elizabeth Banks. Call
no: REF RC451.4.W6 C65
The complete idiots guide to winning through negotiation by John Ilich. Call #: BF637.N4 I442 1996
Creating responsible learners: the role of a positive classroom environment by Dale Scott Ridley. Call no: LB3013 .R525 1995
The dance of anger: a womans guide to changing the patterns of intimate relationships
by Harriet Goldhor Lerner. Call #: BF575.A5 L47 1989
The dangerous case of Donald Trump: 27 psychiatrists and mental health experts assess
a president edited by Bandy X. Lee, M.D., M.Div. Call #: E913.3.D36 2017
Darkness visible: a memoir of madness by William Styron. Call no: RC537 .S88 1992
The daughter trap: taking care of mom and dadand you by Laurel Kennedy. Call #: HQ1063.6 .K46 2010
Daviss manual of psychosocial nursing in general patient care. by Linda M. Gorman. Call no: RC440 .G659 1996
A deeper shade of blue: a womens guide to recognizing and treating depression in her
childbearing years by Ruta Nonacs. Call #: RC451.4.W6 N66 2007
A dictionary of psychology. Call no: REF BF31 .C65 2006
Dinosaurs divorce: a guide for changing families by Laurene Krasny Brown. Call no: HQ814 .B76 1986
Discrimination against women: prevalence, consequences, remedies. Hope Landrine, edited by Elizabeth A. Klonoff. Call no: HQ1237.5.U6 D57 1997
Dissociative children: bridging the inner and outer worlds. by Lynda Shirar. Call no: RJ506.P32 S55 1996
The emotional life of the toddler by Alicia F. Lieberman. Call #: HQ774.5 .L54 1993
Emotional unavailability: recognizing it, understanding it, and avoiding its trap by Bryn C. Collins.Call #: BF575.I5 C65 1997
Faking it by William Ian Miller. Call no: BF697 .M525 2003
Fish! tales: real-life stories to help you transform your workplace and your life.
by Stephen C. Lundin. Call no: HF5549.5.M63 L862 2002
The five love languages of children by Gary D. Chapman. Call #: BF723.C57 C47 1997
Growing up too fast: the Rimm report on the secret world of Americas middle schoolers. by Sylvia B. Rimm. Call no: HQ777.15 .R56 2005
Help yourself: celebrating the daily rewards of resilience and gratitude by David J. Pelzer.Call #: BF637.C4 P43 2000
Helping children live with death and loss. by Dinah Seibert. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2003. Call no:
BF723.D3 S563 2003
Hes just not that into you: the no-excuses truth to understanding guys by Greg Behrendt. Press, 2003. Call #: HQ801 .B37 2004
How children fail by John Caldwell Holt. Call no: LB3063 .H627 1995.
How children learn by John Caldwell Holt. Call #: LB1060 .H64 1995
How to give effective feedback to your students by Susan M. Brookhart. Call #: LB1033 .B658 2008
The how to study book by Alan S. Brown. Call #: LB2395 .B74 2000
How to want what you have: discovering the magic and grandeur of ordinary existence
by Timothy Miller, PhD.Call no: BJ1533.C7 M55 1995
I thought it was just me: women reclaiming power and courage in a culture of shame
by C. Bren Brown. Call #: HQ1206 .B765 2007
In the presence of grief: helping family members resolve death, dying, and bereavement
issues by Dorothy Stroh Becvar. Call no: BF575.G7 B435 2001
Is psychology the major for you? edited by Paul J. Woods; with Charles S. Wilkinson. Call #: BF76.I8 1987
On death and dying by Elisabeth Kbler-Ross. Call #: BF789.D4 K8 1993
Organ donation and transplantation: psychological and behavioral factors edited by James Shanteau and Richard Jackson Harris. Call no: RD129.5 .O74 1990
Other minds: how humans bridge the divide between self and others by Bertram F. Malle and Sara D. Hodges. Call no: BF323.S63 O89 2005
Overcoming mobbing: a recovery guide for workplace aggression and bullying by Maureen P. Duffy. Call #: BF637.B85 D856 2014
Overcoming student failure: changing motives and incentives for learning by Martin V. Covington Call #: LB1065 .C656 1996
Pet loss and human bereavement edited by William J. Kay. Call no: SF411.47 .P48 1984
Platonism & positivism in psychology by Mortimer J. Adler ; with a new introduction by James R. Weiss. Call #: BF38 .A34
Please understand me: character & temperament types by David Keirsey. Call no: BF698.3 .K45 1978
Portraits of pioneers in psychology edited by Gregory A. Kimble, Michael Wertheimer and Charlotte White. Call no: BF109.A1
P67 1991
Powers of mind by Adam Smith. New York: Random House: 1975. Call no: BF121 .G651930
Psychology and industrial efficiency by Hugo Mnsterberg.
Psychology and law bridging the gap edited by David Canter, Rita ukauskien.
Psychology and mental health edited by Nancy A. Piotrowski.
Psychology and postmodernism edited by Steinar Kvale.
Psychology: concepts and applications by Jeffrey S. Nevid. Call no: BF121 .N42 2003
Psychology, Folklore, Creativity and the Human Dilemma by Julius E. Heuscher.
Psychology in India revisited developments in the discipline edited by Janak Pandey.
Psychology in the courtroom. Volume 1, Jury psychology social aspects of trial processes
edited by Joel D. Lieberman and Daniel A. Krauss.
The psychology of aging: theory, research, and interventions by Janet. Belsky. Call no: BF724.55.A35 B44 1990
The psychology of appearance by Nichola Rumsey.
Psychology of burnout predictors and coping mechanisms edited by Rachel V. Schwartzhoffer.
The psychology of childhood by Peter Mitchell.
The psychology of death by Robert Kastenbaum. Call no: BF789.D4 K372 1992
The psychology of gender edited by Alice H. Eagly, Anne E. Beall, Robert J. Sternberg. Call no: BF692.2 .P764
Psychology of denial edited by Sofa K. Ogden and Ashley D. Biebers.
The psychology of good and evil why children, adults, and groups help and harm others
by Ervin Staub.
The psychology of health an introduction edited by Marian Pitts and Keith Phillips.
The psychology of human possibility and constraint by Jack Martin.
The psychology of humor an integrative approach by Rod A. Martin.
The psychology of intimacy by Prager, by Karen Jean. Call #: BF575.I5 P73 1995
The psychology of lust murder paraphilia, sexual killing, and serial homicide by Catherine E. Purcell.
Psychology of risk perception edited by Joana G. Lavino and Rasmus B. Neumann.
The psychology of spirituality an introduction by Larry Culliford.
The Psychology of Stereotyping. by David Schneider. Call no: BF323.S63 S36 2004
The psychology of tactical communication edited by Michael J. Cody and Margaret L. McLaughlin.
Psychology of the future lessons from modern consciousness research by Stanislav Grof.
The psychology of women at work challenges and solutions for our female workforce
edited by Michele A. Paludi.
Psychology of women handbook of issues and theories edited by Florence L. Denmark and Michele A. Paludi; foreword by Bernice Lott.
Psychology of the unconscious: a study of the transformations and symbolisms of the
libido: a contribution to the history of the evolution of thought. by C.G. Jung; translated by Beatrice M. Hinkle; with an introduction by William McGuire.
Call no: BF173 .J8 1995
Psychology six perspectives by L. Dodge Fernald.
Psychology without foundations history, philosophy and psychosocial theory by Steven Brown.
Salem health: psychology and mental health edited by Nancy A. Piotrowski.
See Jane win for girls: a smart girls guide to success by Sylvia B. Rimm. Call #: HQ798.R56 2003
Sex on the brain: the biological differences between men and women by Deborah Blum. Call #: QP81.5 .B58 1997
Sexual coercion in dating relationships edited by E. Sandra Byers, Lucia F. OSullivan. Call no: HV6558 .S493 1996
Suicide: the constructive/destructive self by Coletta A. Klug. Call no: RJ506.S9 b K58 1996
The tipping point: how little things can make a big difference by Malcolm Gladwell. Call no: HM1033.G53 2002
Touchpoints: your childs emotional and behavioral development by T. Berry Brazelton. Call no: HQ792.U5 B725 1992
Understanding grief: helping yourself heal by Alan Wolfelt. Call no: BF575.G7 W64 1992
The varieties of religious experience, a study in human nature by William James. Call no: BR110 .J3 1936
Violent men: an inquiry into the psychology of violence by Hans Toch. Call #: BF575.A3 T6 1992
Women and self-esteem: understanding and improving the way we think and feel about
ourselves by Linda Tschirhart Sanford. Call no: HQ1206 .S24 1984
Whos pulling your strings?: how to break the cycle of manipulation and regain control
of your life. Call no: BF632.5 .B69 2004
Why we lie: the evolutionary roots of deception and the unconscious mind by David Livingston Smith. Call no: BF637.D42 S65 2004
Win your case: how to present, persuade, prevail every place, every time. by Gerry Spence. Call no: BF637.P4 S67 2005
You are what you think by David A. Stoop Call #: BF697.5.S47 S76 2003