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Books & eBooks eBooks require EBSCO login. More eBooks about Sociology are available through the Librarys databases.
Annual editions: Readings in sociology. Call #: HM1 .A76
Freakonomics: a rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything by Steven D.
Levitt. Call #: HB74.P8 L479 2006
A guide to writing sociology papers by The Sociology Writing Group. Call #: HM569
.G95 2007
Human relations: interpersonal, job-oriented skills by Andrew J. DuBrin. Call #: HD6955
.D82 2001
The new case against immigration: both legal and illegal by Mark Krikorian. Call #:
JV6465 .K75 2008
Readings for sociology edited by Garth Massey. Call #: HM585 .R427 2009
The rules of sociological method by Emile Durkheim. Call #: HM24 .D962 1982
Scratch beginnings: me, $25, and the search for the American dream by Call #: HC110.P6
S465 2008 Adam Shepard.
The sociological quest: an introduction to the study of social life by Evan Willis.
Call #: HM51 .W473 1996
Sociology and health care an introduction for nurses, midwives and allied health professionals by Michael Sheaff.
Sociology and ideology edited by Eliezer Ben-Rafael.
Sociology and interpretation from Weber to Habermas by Charles A. Pressler.
Sociology and mass culture Durkheim, Mills and Baudrillard by Patricia Cormack.
Sociology and nursing by Peter Morrall.
Sociology and scientism: the American quest for objectivity, 1880-1940 by Robert C. Bannister.
Sociology and Social Work by Jo Cunningham.
Sociology and the new systems theory toward a theoretical synthesis by Kenneth D. Bailey.
Sociology and the sacred an introduction to Philip Rieffs theory of culture by Antonius A. W. Zondervan.
Sociology and the twilight of man homocentrism and discourse in sociological theory by Charles C. Lemert.
Sociology and the unintended Robert Merton revisited edited by Adriana Mica, Arkadiusz Peisert, Jan Winczorek.
Sociology and theology alliance and conflict edited by David Martin, John Orme Mills, and William S.F. Pickering.
Sociology basics, consulting editor, Carl L. Bankston III.
Sociology beyond societies mobilities for the twenty-first century by John Urry.
Sociology, environmentalism, globalization reinventing the globe by Steven Yearley.
Sociology for Caribbean students by Nasser Mustapha.
Sociology for change the official annual of the Hong Kong Sociological Association edited by Bian Yan-jie, Chan
Kwok-bun and Cheung Tak-sing; guest editor, Ku Hok-bun.
Sociology for social workers and probation officers by Viviene E. Cree.
Sociology in America a history edited by Craig Calhoun.
Sociology in question by Pierre Bourdieu.
Sociology in the age of the Internet by Allison Cavanagh.
Sociology inquiries into the construction of social forms by Georg Simmel.
The sociology of Anthony Giddens by Steven Loyal.
Sociology of crime, law and deviance. Volume 2, edited by Jeffery T. Ulmer.
The Sociology of Deviance Differences, Tradition, and Stigma. by Robert J. Franzese.
The sociology of early Buddhism by Greg Bailey.
Sociology of education an A-to-Z guide edited by James Ainsworth, Georgia State University.
Sociology of education emerging perspectives edited by Carlos Alberto Torres and Theodore R. Mitchell.
The sociology of entrepreneurship edited by Martin Ruef, Michael Lounsbury.
The sociology of ethnicity by Sinia Maleevi.
The sociology of financial markets edited by Karin Knorr Cetina and Alex Preda.
The sociology of gambling by Mikal J. Aasved.
The sociology of gambling in China by Tijie Cheng.
Sociology of giving by Helmuth Berking.
A sociology of health edited by David Wainwright.
The sociology of intellectual life the career of the mind in and around the academy by Steve Fuller.
Sociology of interprofessional health care practice critical reflections and concrete
solutions edited by Simon Kitto.
The sociology of Islam collected essays of Bryan S. Turner by Bryan S. Turner.
The sociology of nationalism tomorrows ancestors by David McCrone. Call #: 320.54
The sociology of progress by Leslie Sklair.
Sociology of religion in India edited by Rowena Robinson; foreword by C.N. Venugopal.
The sociology of spatial inequality edited by Linda M. Lobao, Gregory Hooks, Ann R. Tickamyer.
The sociology of Wilhelm Baldamus paradox and inference edited by Mark Erickson, Charles Turner.
The sociology of wind bands amateur music between cultural domination and autonomy by Vincent Dubois.
Sociology of work: an encyclopedia edited by Vicki Smith, University of California, Davis.
The sociology of Zygmunt Bauman challenges and critique edited by Michael Hviid Jacobsen and Poul Poder.
Sociology on the menu an invitation to the study of food and society by Alan Beardsworth.
Sociology, theology and the curriculum edited by Leslie J. Francis.
Sociology through active learning student exercises edited by Kathleen McKinney & Barbara S. Heyl.
Sociology today social transformations in a globalizing world edited by Arnaud Sales.
Suicide, a study in sociology: by Call #: HV6545 .D812
Suicidethe ultimate rejection?: a psycho-social study by Colin Pritchard. Call #:
HV6545 .P75 1995
Thinking the unthinkable: the riddles of classical social theories by Charles C. Lemert.
Call #: HM585 .L394 2007