Clubs & Organizations

The College supports activities outside the classroom that enrich, supplement, and provide a testing ground for classroom learning. These activities offer opportunities for social growth and for the development of values, appreciations, and insights. The faculty seeks to provide an environment in which students may become self-disciplined, self-reliant, and socially sensitive individuals.

Students and faculty have the opportunity to become members of several clubs and organizations. They may participate in any College activity for which they are eligible. All student organizations have faculty sponsors and are responsible to the Vice Chancellor for Student Services. Rules for starting new clubs are available in the Student Activities Office. Secret societies are not allowed to be recognized organizations.

The following organizations are currently active at UAHT:

Campus Crusade for Christ
Diesel for Life
Emergency Medical Services Club
Funeral Services Club
HOLA: Hispanic Outreach and Leadership Association
Iron Horse Historians
IT & Robotics Association
LPN Club
Multicultural Student Association
Phi Theta Kappa
Student Government Association (SGA)
Student Success Club

T&I Club

UAHT United Soccer Club

Welding Club