News Listing

UAHT Collegiate Academies Graduate Fourth Class
This year, we celebrate the fourth graduating class of the collegiate academies. The class of 2024 consisted of 23 graduates from the Hope Collegiate Academy and 16 graduates from the Arkansas High Collegiate Academy. Since the program's inception,...

Vanhook Named Outstanding Faculty Member of the Year
UAHT is proud to announce that this year's winner of the Faculty Member of the Year award is Pamela Vanhook. Vanhook has served as a member of the health professions faculty at the college since 2021.

Cook Named Outstanding Staff Member of the Year
UAHT is proud to announce that this year’s winner of the outstanding staff award is Jolane Cook. Cook began her career at the college in 1999, serving as the Coordinator for Continuing Education and Industry Relations until 2012, when she became...

Two Hope Collegiate Academy Students Accepted Into Business Leadership Academy
Jordan-Michael Brooks and Jose Martinez, both seniors at the Hope Collegiate Academy, have been accepted into the Business Leadership Academy at the University of Arkansas Sam M. Walton College of Business.
Henry Receives Arkansas State University’s Most Prestigious Scholarship
Tara Henry, a senior at the Hope Collegiate Academy, was announced as a recipient of the Arkansas State University A-State Scholar Scholarship. The scholarship is an Arkansas State University Honors College Scholarship, and only 35 are awarded each...