The Associate Applied Science in Paramedic program provides paramedic students an opportunity to further their education with course work leading to the AAS. Students majoring in A.A.S. Paramedic may complete the required course work prior to or after completion of the Paramedic Technical Certificate curriculum. The following courses are required in addition to the Paramedic Technical Certificate coursework.

Note: Students not meeting the ACT or ACCUPLACER requirements in math and English must enroll in the appropriate sequential academic skills math, reading, and/or English course(s) during their first semester in college and each subsequent semester until the requirements are successfully completed. Any degree seeking student enrolled under theStudent Success Plan must also take EDGE 1003 College Life Skills the first semester of enrollment.

Degree Checklist

Paramedic Program Information

Paramedic Pass Rates

Students interested in the UAHT EMS Program please complete the UAHT EMS Application.

Courses must be completed in the following discipline: *Paramedic



The Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) contains information about the transferability of courses within Arkansas public colleges and universities. Students are guaranteed the transfer of applicable credits and the equitable treatment in the application of credits for the admissions and degree requirements. Course transferability is not guaranteed for courses listed in ACTS as No Comparable Course. Additionally, courses with a D frequently do not transfer and institutional policies may vary. ACTS may be accessed on the Internet by going to the ADHE website and selecting Course Transfer ( Courses not having an ACTS number may also transfer. Please consult the receiving institution for complete transfer information.